It was early morning when he attempted to get his ole body to sit upright on the side of the bed. Slowly his brain started working as he began to remember all the work he had done yesterday. This ole fellow thought to himself, I started work about 9:30 and I stopped working about 5:00. The ole fellows brain began to wonder, will I be able to move comfortably this morning, after all the work I did yesterday.
Still sitting on the side of the bed, this ole fellow decided to see if he could stand up, and if so, how bad would his ole body hurt. Slowly he scooted off the side of the bed, his ole feet touching the floor, and then it happened, as he pushed himself onto his ole feet he thought, wow, my feet and body are not hurting! How can this be, I did all that work and my ole body isn’t hurting?
Dreams, they can seem as real as life itself. As we know, if you pinch yourself while dreaming, it doesn’t hurt. Ok, this ole fellow pinched himself, and he learned, that he was not dreaming. How could this be, he felt as if he had not worked at all yesterday, but there was another feeling that he acutely became aware of, he needed to go to the potty.
In fact, this ole senior person feels very good this morning, but his hands and fingers feel a little stiff, but that should go away due to all this data entry he is doing. I did have two breaks during the work period yesterday, one was for lunch and the other was to get Dave from work.
I do have a little clean up to do, there are some leaves and a few acorns on the ground outside the Jasmin beds. Also, we plan to fertilize the beds this morning, hoping for the rain this evening.
I put the last tool away at 5:00pm and went in to get an adult beverage. Even though it was a little cool, my favorite wife sat outside with me and Tres for about an hour yesterday afternoon. The sitting and adult beverage felt good!
Before anyone doesn’t ask, I did read from the bible yesterday, I read from the bible daily.
I really do not have any plans for today, I will likely go to the teller machine and get my stipends for this week. I might get a cup of real coffee after visiting with the teller machine, heck I just thought, I did not get a real cup of coffee yesterday! Now I am wondering what else did I miss out on yesterday, should I attempt to go to town and see if the booze store is open?
If everything goes well today, I might take my trailer over to David’s house, he has some brush and limbs to haul off.
Well, I guess I should get started on all these projects for the day, what should I do first, teller machine or coffee place? I guess I will toss a coin, do I have a coin? Being ole isn’t fun.
We hope your day is, fun, productive, restful and safe!
Mostly ole acorns!
Senior retired person who feels very good after all that work, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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