
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28, 2023

            I do need to be short this morning as I need to be at the doctor's office to be cut on at 7:45.

            Yesterday, I put in 3 hours preparing for and trimming the weeds in the ditch behind the house. This morning my ole body is reminding me of the work I did yesterday, photo to follow.

            Although you can’t see it in the photo, the weeds and grass were very tall, and I used the leaf blower to push them into the bottom of the ditch. The weeds and grass trimmings are more then a foot deep, maybe we will get a rain and someone else downstream will have my weeds.

            After returning from taking Dave and Alex to their home yesterday, my favorite wife supervised the removal of the flowers from the green house and positioning them in various locations throughout the yards.

I have a photo of a pecan tree that the squirrels planted. This little tree was there last summer, and it is coming back this spring. We will let it grow there; we can always use another tree, photo to follow.

            The bible study meeting went well last night, I even had most of the answers correct, and I could even read some of my handwriting (aka scribbling).

            Well I need to get going so we hope you have a good day, be safe and nice to the ole people.

Yard worker

Senior retired person who’s first wife supervises his yard work, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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