Today is Halloween and I was thinking I should find a scary face to post at the beginning of this Halloween article, here it is, and it is scary! BOOOO!
I was driving my vehicle on Hewitt drive when I observed a motorcycle rider with a passenger. I thought it was funny, the biker had a skeleton as his passenger.
Today Alex has a football game, yep, on Halloween, and luckily it is a home game which means, I should not have any problems getting to the Bible study group meeting this evening. We will leave the porch light off as we do not have candy to distribute.
Well let’s see what the Don was able to accomplish yesterday. First, he cleaned out the items from the ole hot house, making it ready to place the flowers inside. Photo to follow.
Ok, he had not swept the trash from the floor, prior to this photo being taken, but he did later.
Then the Don addressed the big flowerpot, you know the one that he questioned as to whether he could handle it alone or would he need help, he handled it alone. He used the wagon to move the pot to the hot house, then he used his ole senior body to position it in the back and center of the house, photo to follow.
You are correct, my supervisor was checking out the building, making sure it was ready for the flowerpots.
With advice from his present spouse, the Don was able to find and move the other flowerpots from both the front and back yards. There was a couple of these pots that were very heavy, as they are large, made of glass and hard to handle, no good place to grip the flowerpots. It took about 1.5 hours to carefully move and place the flowerpots, photo to follow.
The electric cord will be used for the heat lamp during cold nights.
After that exhausting work, the Don took a short break with a cup of homemade coffee. Break completed, he decided to pick up sticks, that is pick up sticks from the yards, not the game pick up sticks. This task took another 30 minutes of the Don’s time. Completing that task, he then did a Poop-a-loop-a removal. The Tres has provided the Don with several donations.
All the Poop-a-loop-a along with the sticks and other debris has the Ford’s ole trash container full to the top.
Speaking of trash containers, the Don did put our ex-neighbor’s trash container out to the curb. Heck, the Don is a good neighbor even when they are no longer neighbors.
My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday, the weather was really nice. Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you have a good day, stay safe, and be nice to ole all people!
Trick or treat?
This ole senior person wonders, do they have a choice, trick or treat, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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