
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 18, 2022

            Well, it happened, it has cooled off to a point that I wished I had taken a sweat shirt. Where was I when I wished I had a sweat shirt? Was this ole senior retired person sitting in the shade, no sun light to heat him up? Yes, he was at the 7th grade football game and it was out of town! This game was supposed to be a home game, but the day before the game they changed it to out of town.

            The wind was blowing continually, not just a breeze, it was a wind from 20 to 30 mph, and there I sat, having a short-sleeved shirt on, heck I had left my cap in the vehicle so even the bald spot on my head was getting cold. My favorite wife took a sweat shirt and she was glad!

            The game was good and in the last minute our team scored a touchdown, the score was then 12 to 12. Then we saw that there was a flag on the play, the touchdown did not count, we lost 12 to 6.

            I was able to get back home safely and made it to the Bible study class, although I was late, they did not send me to the principal. The class and lecture were interesting. There was a concern last evening, there was a fellow who was sitting about 6 feet from me who was coughing a lot. Let's hope it was just allergies, and no one gets sick. I did see one fellow fall asleep during the lecture.

            It is supposed to get cold here tonight, close to freezing but not quite there. It will not be long before we need to move flowers into the hot house, more work for an old person.

            Speaking of cold, I will have an extras shirt on this morning when the Tres takes me for a walk. Tres seems to like the cooler weather; he has been voluntarily staying outside more lately.

            Well, I don't have any more to present this morning, may your day be filled with kindness and love!

Walking in the cold!

Senior retired person who needs to get started, doing nothing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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