
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

October 5, 2022

            Nothing to report from yesterday, I did pick up Alex after school and take him home. I have nothing planned for today, wow, ole retired people have nothing to do, no wonder we get old!

            Now, I did get up about 30 minutes early today, the Tres woke me up and asked if he could go outside into the cool weather. I think he likes the cool weather as it reduces the itching that he has.

            I did leave the Ford’s homestead before the sun was up in and effort to beat the school traffic, as I was going to get a cup, and a burrito. The lady at the drive through where I get the burrito greeted me and said, “you are early”!

            As I was driving this morning, I noticed that the gas prices on Hewitt drive have gone up about 25 cents, and I need gas. I did not stop for gas as it was dark, and I don’t trust crazy people in the dark.

            Tres has taken me for a walk this morning and he did not stop to smell everything today.

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            Look out: there was a couple and they were on an embankment at the edge of a forest which over looked a lake. The guy who’s name was Alfred, was standing near the edge of the embankment where there was about a 100 foot drop off to the water below. Alicia, the lady in this story was afraid of heights, and since the wind was blowing briskly, she was staying about 50 feet away from the edge.

            Alicia looked up, and saw that the wind was moving a dead limb, that was hanging over Alfred’s head back and forth. Alfred was looking over the edge of the embankment down at the water below and had not seen the dead limb that was just above his head.

            Suddenly, the dead limb broke and Alicia hollered at Alfred, “Look out”! Alfred hearing his girlfriend, he did what she said, and he looked out at the lake water.

            Why do people say look out when they see a problem or a danger? You would think they would say something like, look up, or a limb is falling, or move over, but look out just don’t seem right. They should ask me before they decide on these sayings

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            Well, I guess that is it for today, hope you don’t need to look out, and have a good day.

Words matter!

Senior ole person who might get gas today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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