
Thursday, October 6, 2022

October 6, 2022

            This ole senior person did nothing yesterday, well, he did get a burrito and a cup of coffee, he did pick up some clothes from the cleaners, and he did get gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy, ($2.99 per gallon), he did pick up both grandkids after school, he did sit outside for a short time in the afternoon, and he did attend Alex’s concert last night.

            Speaking of the concert, we have a photo of the group that Alex plays in, he is center of the photo. There were three different groups who played last night, and they were all good. You might notice that there are a lot of girls in the group.


            I do have another photo, this photo was taken through a window over the kitchen sink, so it isn’t perfect. If one looks closely, you could see a hawk on the ground, and he has a bird. He first pulled all the feathers out of the bird, and then he decided to eat it. Later, after the hawk had left, I went out to pick up any leftovers, as I knew Tres would eat them, and there were only feathers on the ground. The hawk either eat it all or, took some with him.

            It is now day light outside so Tres wants to take me for a walk, so I got to go! We hope you have a wonder filled day and stay safe!

Wildlife photographer!

Senior ole retired person who hopes he has something to do today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!


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