
Friday, October 7, 2022

October 7, 2022

            Yesterday I just sat around doing nothing again. Well, I did get on my knees in the front yard yesterday, after praying, I then pulled weeds from the newest Jasmine bed. I did successfully get the grand kids from school and take them home. My favorite wife and I did go out for some Turkey and dressing for supper. After supper we sat outside for a while enjoying the weather and solving all kinds of national problems.

            There was an incident yesterday which started at the concert that Alex was in. When we arrived at the concert I turned my somewhat smart phone to mute, no sound if the phone was to ring. Yep, I failed to turn the sound back on. David tried to call me, and I did not know he called. Oddly enough, he tried to call the home phone and the phone in the front room had a dead battery, so I did not know he called.

            Failing to contact me, he called his mother who was out shopping, and she was able to get him from work and take him home. I have decided to not mute the phone in the future, I will instead set it to vibrate.

            I hope to move the trailer from the Ole Fords homestead to the young Fords Homestead this morning. Dave will be cutting a tree down and he can load the excess on the trailer.

            I need to remember to water the berry beds and flowerpots today, wow no rest for the ole people. Speaking of plants, I have a photo to share with everyone but you, I know you don’t like my photos, but the others do like them!

            It is still dark so I am not walking until I can see who or what is around before Tres, and I head out for a walk.

            I am back, I went to get a cup of coffee, and yes, a burrito, both locations had long lines even though it was early. The hot sauce for the burrito is nice and hot today. the burrito and coffee is good, now I need to go for a walk.

            Well, that is all for now, have a good day.

Workaholic senior!

Senior who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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