
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

October 19, 2022

            Well, we have a start to a new day, and it is cold. As I drove to get a free cup of coffee this morning, I had the heater on in the Ford’s ole Chevy, it felt good. Now it wasn’t freezing outside, but it did feel cold on this ole senior retired person, and I did have a heavy duty sweat shirt on.

            I might be allowed to help a neighbor today, she is going to have a garage sale for the rescue dogs, and she needs help getting everything ready. Her husband is in rehab and he also has the virus.

            Yesterday, I did get the walk behind mower out and chopped up the leaves that have fell off the pecan tree. There are some spots in the front yard that need to be mowed, but I am not in a hurry to do that, maybe Friday or Saturday.

            A friend is supposed to come by in the next few days and remove some of the acorns from the front yard. he provides the acorns for deer to eat. Yes, he hunts deer. It is easy to get the acorns if they are still on top the grass using a pecan roller, but when they get below the grass they must be raked out, and that is work.

            I have in years past used a shop vac to remove the acorns, and that works well if you can see the acorns, but you do also get grass clippings and other debris. It was kind of fun seeing people drive by when I was vacuuming the front yard. I bet they thought I was total nuts vacuuming the grass in the yard.

            Well, I guess I should get going, I have not taken Tres for his morning walk yet, and it will be a little nope a lot chilly.

            We hope you have a wonder filled day, and stay safe.

Warm cold warm!

Senior ole person who don’t like cold or hot, Don the Ford     

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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