Things are changing, so if you haven’t noticed, it is now November, this weekend the time will move back an hour (spring forward, fall back) and I am taking the grandkids to school today. Being the first of the month Claire has to be at work early, so we get the grandees, early morning.
Before anyone asks, my favorite grandkids did allow me to take them to the star coffee place for a morning beverage, and now we are back at home, each of us enjoying our beverage.
Alex had his last football game for this season, they tied the game at 19 to 19.
I did make it to the bible study last night, I was a couple minutes late. I noticed that there were fewer attendees last night, it was said that due to Halloween, some of the participants did not want to be driving on the streets while kids were out trick or treating.
Well, the prognosticators are predicting a very good chance of rain this Friday, and we still need it. I did water all the plants in the hot house yesterday, and the thermometer I have in the hot house was showing 100, there must have been some sun shining on the house.
I have no plans for the day, I will get the grandkids from school this afternoon and I guess that is about it. It was suggested that I could pick up acorns from the yard if I wasn’t too lazy. I did notice some acorns in places where they would be easy to see, and retrieve, I don’t mind going after the easy ones.
My neighbor down the street said he has almost another 5-gallon bucket of acorns, which he will donate to the deer hunter friend of mine. We have a black berry startup that we will give to this neighbor. The berry start up is in a plastic pot. I had dug it up a couple months ago, and put it in the pot, the plant appeared to have died, but I was too lazy to toss it out. A couple weeks ago the plant began to grow, so I will donate it to this neighbor.
In the photo there is a dead part to the left, and the new green live portion to the right.
I am back from taking the kids to school, I also picked David up from work as he is not feeling well. He thought his upset stomach might be due to the cheese nachos we shared last night at Alex’s football game. I am feeling fine, thanks, you didn’t even ask about my health!
Well, I guess I will close for now, we hope your day is outstanding.
Caution, black berry stickers!
Senior ole retired person who tries to be careful around the berries, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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