I have my own opinion as to whether it is a cat or an owl, and you are allowed to decide for yourself. Before I continue, allow me to say that Charlie the cat has not returned home. Now, if I may, allow me to post a photo, taken yesterday afternoon while I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker, and as I was enjoying an adult beverage.
Now I am sure that there is one of you who cannot see either a cat or an owl in the photo of the cloud, and that is ok. Not everyone has a vivid imagination like the Don does.
Wow, I just returned from the Mexican restaurant having purchased a burrito, and it is raining like, “pouring it out of a boot”! We are thankful for the surprise rain, and there is no storm with it. NICE! The lady at the drive through said to me, you are early today. it is nice to be noticed, and I was early today because, in the past I would stop there after taking the grand kids to school.
May I adjust the topic for a moment: earlier in this soon to be well composed article, the word may popped up, and a thought came to mind (yes, ole senior people still have thoughts). May is the name of a month, and is also the name of a person. How many month names are also used by people? As I see it there are 4 that I know of and they are, April, May, June. and August. Now I see that one person is thinking no one uses August as a name, but I did know a fellow back in Missouri whose middle name was August.
Swap of topics; I do have a couple planned events for today, I will need to be at David’s house for the repairman from the internet service. Then later in the afternoon I will drive my favorite wife to the doctor’s office, she is having a visual test.
Wow, now that it has rained, will I be able to get out to the black berry patches and harvest the berries this morning. The water is still dripping off the roof.
I have an irritating topic; it is irritating to me, you may think it is funny. For the last two mornings, that is Tuesday morning and this morning, my dog has woken me up at 1:30am and again at 3:30am, wanting to go outside. At first, I thought he might need to go potty, and he may have, but he seemed to be wanting to check the back yard out for intruders, you know, like possums, skunks or maybe strange cats. My question is why is it at the same time, not 10 minutes earlier, or later, the same time? I think I will tell him know, if this happens again tomorrow morning.
Well, I guess I should get a cup of coffee and relax for a while, after all that strenuous data entry.
Rain, rain, don’t go away,
stay here all day,
little Donnie don’t need to play!
Senior person who use to be known as Donnie, and can write a poem, Don the Ford
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