
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ouch, ouch 05.31.2022

            If you observed the title line, you may understand that I have again been visiting the 3 black berry beds. As I attempt to pick a berry, I often say ouch! Another happening while harvesting the berries, as I reach into the bush to get a berry, I of course, have to get my arm out of the bush, and most often the bush has my shirt.

            Topic swap: I did fly the flag yesterday and after putting the flag up I noticed that there was a flag shadow on one of the Fords ole security cameras. So, I took a photo of the monitor as I sat at the Ford’s ole desk.

           Sunday afternoon my favorite wife and I were washing the dog when a neighbor came over. We asked her to take a seat, as we needed to rinse the Tres, and then we could talk. Dog wash and rinse finished; we had a nice long conversation with our friend. She has lived here in the neighborhood almost as long as we have.

            Yesterday, my first wife cooked a brisket for our noon meal, and it will also be appreciated as leftover meals. You just can’t go wrong when you have brisket!

            Another subject: I had a 25% off coupon at the harbor store, but I didn’t know if I wanted to drive down there, it would take a gallon of gas ($4.04). There is only one thing that I could think of that I would like to have, and at 25% off it would still cost too much!

            I did go, I did not get that one thing that I thought I wanted, I did get a package of 50 shop towels, they were 25% off. While at the harbor store I noticed a fire extinguisher that was improperly placed. It was about 6 feet above the ground. Even some ole retired person knows that is wrong. I did not point it out to them, even though I should have. 

            Flowers in bloom; allow me to present some blooms for your enjoyment.



            For that one person who actually reads and reviews the photos on my posting, yes, the yellow blooms have been in a previous posting. They are still impressing me, so I put them back in again. The pink blooms are from a plant we call Four O’clocks. I got the seed from my sister who lived in Missouri, many years ago. They come up voluntarily every year, and the birds have a tendency to spread them to various locations. 

            I guess that is it for now, I need to prepare to take Molly to the vet this morning. Charlie has not come back.


Share a smile today!

Senior ole retired person who has no schedule, Don the Ford

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