
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Burrito again 06.23.2022

            I began the title line with Burrito again, as a friend had commented that eating the burritos might change my nationality, SI Senor!

            One might assume that I am going to tell you, that I was outside before the sun came up watering the flowers. I was not! Things changed, my favorite wife provided me with a device that allows me to check and see if the soil in the flower pot is dry, moist, or wet. Knowing that, I am then able to determine which plants need my detention, I mean attention.

            I used the device this morning, and yes it was before the sun came up, an all plants in pots, do not need to be watered today. Wow a work free day. Since it is a work free day, what will the Don have to do between naps?

            The Don has already gone to the coffee place for a cup, went to the teller machine for a buck, and to the burrito place for a breakfast burrito, all that, and I arrived back home before 7:00am.

            I talked with an ole friend in Missouri last night and he noted that he was getting ready to begin picking his black berries, as I am finished with my harvesting. He noted that his berry vines are all thornless and he also makes wine from black berries, grapes and some other berry, but I forgot the other berry’s name. he must get a lot more berries than we do.

            Another topic; what a person’s face says about their attitude. As I drove to the bank this morning, I observed two ladies who were out early attempting to beat the heat, as they exercised. Both ladies appeared to be in good shape, one of the ladies looked as if she was not happy, not enjoying the exercise, while the other had a positive look on her face, it may not have been a smile, but she seemed to be happy. I also noticed that both had their cell phones in their hands, was the one who seemed to be unhappy talking to someone on the phone, while the other may have been concentrating on something positive. Body language, it tells a lot!

            Well, I guess I will go, I need to find some papers and I need to make a call or two.

Observe and learn!

Senior ole retired observer who has used body language, Don the Ford 

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