
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Mow, trim, rest 06.05.2022

            As I had noted in yesterday’s posting, I needed to mow, trim and rest. I did all that and I also was able to drive into town to purchase a bottle of adult beverage.

            Now I began mowing the front yard, as my favorite wife began pulling weeds from a flower bed in the back 40. I did not need to trim the front yard this time, as I had done such a good job last week. I completed the mowing of the front yard, and proceeded to the back 40.

            I had to remove debris from the back 40 (sticks, dog toys, dog droppings and the 100-foot-long water hose) before I could start the mowing process. My first wife had completed pulling the weeds from the first flower bed, and moved on to the second bed.

            I went to the Ford’s ole mower where I removed the tarp that it is covered with, checked the tires and as usual one needed some air. I retrieved the small portable air compressor from the ole shed, and connected it to the battery on the mower. It does work to air up the tires but it is a little slow. Mower tires aired up, oil checked, gas added, I then begin to mow.

            Naturally, I mowed in the areas where my present wife was not working, as she had moved to a third flower bed. It took a while but I was able to get the front and back yards mowed, now I need to trim but not while my favorite wife was still on her knees pulling weeds and she was trimming some plants. I did help her a little by picking up some of the debris that she was creating.

            I decided to get me something to eat, and take a few minutes to rest my ole body, before starting the trimming process.

            Snack and rest period over, I began trimming the back 40. I was almost done when the trimmer ran out of line. Now this is a new trimmer head, and I am supposed to be able to insert line in it without removing the head. It took me several minutes to reload the trimmer, it is easy when you know how, and I now know how!

            As I completed the trimming process, my favorite wife had ventured to the last flower bed. Needless to say, we were both tired, but she had done more difficult work than me, as she was on her knees most of the time. Showers for both of us and a little time to relax followed the work.

            I then remembered that I needed to pick up a prescription and I wanted to get a bottle of adult beverage, so I jumped into the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed for town. On the way I did stop at the star coffee place to get a cup of coffee, before heading into the city. I still have enough money on the card for three more cups of coffee.

            Note; I check the mileage from home to the liquor emporium, and it took a gallon of gas to get there and back. That made the bottle cost an additional $4.40, that is one gallon of gas! 

            Returning home, I did take time to read from the bible, before watching some of the so-called news. My first and favorite wife, (they are the same person) went out side and rested from the days tremendous work load. 


As you sow, so shall you reap!

Be nice to someone!

Senior ole retired person who use to be nice, Don the Ford

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