Yes, it was party time. Last night we attended the past employer’s Christmas party, we wanted to see some old friends. In fact, we did not know most of the people who were there. There were still a few staff members there, that were hired during my time with the company. It was good to see those we knew.
There was a karaoke machine playing music, and a few people were getting up and singing. I say that to point out that it was too noisy the entire time we were there. I found it difficult to hear what anyone was saying. It would have been good if it was much quieter, heck, I found it difficult to hear my favorite wife speaking, and she was sitting next to me.
They were going to give some gifts away, an employee or a retiree could put their name in a hat for a drawing. They announced that they were going to draw the first name for a prize. I jokingly said, they will draw my name first and everyone at our table laughed. Well, they drew my name first and everyone looked at me. I thought they were kidding at first, but they weren’t, I wone a table and two chairs for the lawn. Ha ha, I have a Christmas present and it isn’t coal!
If it would have been quieter at the party, we would have enjoyed it more. Noise isn’t good when ole people are trying to talk.
Well, there isn’t much planned for today, we have all the presents that we planned to get purchased. There is one gift coming tomorrow, at least it should be here tomorrow. I even ordered an item for the shed. In the past I had a battery in the shed and the solar panel kept it charge. The battery has given up, so I have a different solution for a light in the shed, it is a halo.
The halo will have a couple uses, one, it has a flash light, two, it can power a light up to 65 watts in the shed, three, it can jump start the dead battery on the ole riding mower. The Halo cost about the same as a battery for the mower, and it has other uses. It can also be used in case of a power outage at the Homestead. We have another Halo in my vehicle and also one in my wife’s vehicle, that can also be used in power outages.
I didn’t need to be good; the company gave me a Christmas gift. Santa can…
Coal or a Gift?
Senior retired person who got a Christmas present, Don the Ford
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