
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Christmas story 12/21/2021

            This is not about the Christmas story that we see on TV, even though I do have a small lamp in my ole office, which is similar to the lamp in Christmas story. The lamp is getting old, and the leg doesn’t light up as it did in the past.

            Let us see how this Christmas Story begins;

            It was a normal December day, just a few days before Christmas, when I received a Major Award! In the photo below, we see a large carton that came to the Ford Homestead, and it has a Major Award in it!


            When this Major Award arrived at the Ford’s Homestead, in this large carton, I thought, “There could be anything in that carton!” I ask Alex to help me open this Major Award. Alex had to first cut the tape, and then we pulled the top of this large carton open. Wow, looking into the large carton we saw huge amounts of corrugated wrapping and also bubble wrap. We pulled piece after piece of this Major Award, out of the large carton, until finally the large carton was empty.

            Then our team, that is Alex and me, began reading the instructions to see how we could put this device together. Actually, we looked at the photos in the instructions and were able to put the Major Award together. I have a photo of the Major Award, and we will not be placing it in the front room window!

            My favorite wife and I sat on the new chairs which we like, and we both enjoy the new table, it is good to have received a Major Award! Ole retired people who can’t afford to buy gifts, are blessed with, a Major Award!

            I got a Major Award, not a lump of coal, like you are getting!


            Allow this ole retired person to alter the topic please:

            This story is about being comfortable, and it all occurred last night. Imagine if you can, being in bed, laying on your side, your pillow is placed perfectly under your head. It was a cool night in the homestead, and you have the cover pulled up around your neck, you are all snuggled in, but you are awake. As you lay there in total comfort, all snuggled in, the ole clock chimed 2:00pm.

            As you lay there, you think about yesterday, when you and Alex were working together in the garage, and that it was very enjoyable. Then you again think how could you feel so good.

            Another thought came to mind, it is supposed to be freezing outside right now. Then it occurred to you; did you turn the heat lamp on in the flower house?

            No, you did not, you forgot! Are you going to get out from under those warm covers and away from that comfortable pillow to turn the heat lamp on?

            You probably lay there in total comfort for another few minutes’ thinking, a couple more minutes will not make a difference at the Flower house. Then, comfort aside, you force yourself to evacuate the most comfortable spot that you can remember being in, to walk in to the TV room and turn on the heat lamp in the flower house.

            You are a good person, giving up a warm and most comfortable bed to provide some heat for the flower house.


Stay in the comfortable spot!

Senior retired person who has a Major Award, Don the Ford

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