
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Booster shot 10/31/2021

            Saturday, at 4:30 and 4:45 pm was what I thought I had scheduled for the booster shots for my favorite wife and I. We went to the drug store that begins with a “W” and stood in line for a while where we learned that we had not been scheduled.

            Departing from the drugs store we went to Wally world to get a couple rollers for painting, when we decided to see if we could get the booster shot there even though we had not scheduled an appointment.

            We arrived at the pharmacy and there was one person getting a shot, there was no line, so we asked if it would be possible for us to get shot. They were very nice, we had to fill out some forms and show that we had received the two original shots, 6 months earlier. We both got our shots, and it was kind of different from previous shots. The dose was half the original dose, the shooter, clean the spot on our arm, and then applied a round band aid. She then gave the shot through the center of the band aid.

            Leaving the shooter (aka shot giver), we went to the paint department to acquire paint rollers. As luck would have it, we found another item that my first wife just had to have. There was an adjustable roller handle that went from 5 feet to 10 feet long. That may be a big help in painting, and it may be a problem too. To paint, one needs to get the paint on the roller. Using the 5-foot handle isn’t a problem but extending the pole will make it more difficult to get paint on the roller. It will be difficult to see if the roller is in the paint 10 feet away.

            Speaking of painting, yesterday I was allowed to paint and area on the north end of the Homestead. Yep, I did a nice job. I also picked up the debris out of the back 40.

            Since no one asked, I did see that same star this morning and I did not see any other stars. One should know, it was just before sun rise and the sky was beginning to lighten up a lot. The star did not seem to be blinking this morning.

            I know everyone is wondering, yes, after the shots were administered and we completed the shopping, we arrived at home, where we did get to sit outside for about an hour yesterday, and enjoyed a cold drink along with the peace and quiet. Why was it quiet, the wind was non-existent!       We have had no ill affects from the shot other than a sore arm.

            This afternoon, a friend is supposed to come by and remove some acorns from the front yard.

Rest, relax, enjoy the day!

            Try to also be nice to someone today, you will feel good after being nice.

Senior retired person on a fixed income who paints like an artist, Don the Ford

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Pick up the pace 10/30/2021

            Well, I did not pick up the pace yesterday, but I did pick up the small branches and other debris from the Ford’s ole front yard. I was using the ole person picker upper, you know so this ole person did not need to bend over to get the stuff, and the Ford’s ole red wagon to move it from the yard to the trash container. I had “4” ole red wagon loads of debris for the trash container.

            The wind was blowing like crazy and would occasionally remove items from the Ford’s ole red wagon as soon as I put them in. I started about 9:00 and did not finish until about 11:30. The yard looks some what better now. After a short lunch of left overs I proceeded to the back 40 where I was attempting to trim a few bushes, no I don’t know the name of the bushes, but they were very tall. The wind was blowing so hard that I stopped after trimming one bush.

            As I was putting the tools away, I began to notice all the debris in the back 40, and I remembered, the trash can is full. Darn it, I will need to wait until next week to pick the junk up from the back 40.

            This morning (Saturday) as the Tres took me outside to do his watering of at least one flower pot, and then get the paper, I noticed one star in the sky. This one and only star that I could see, was blinking. As I stared at it, I thought that it must be a plane a long way off, coming my direction. I stopped staring at the twinkling light and looked around the neighborhood thinking, when I look back, if it is a plane, it will have moved. I then looked back and it had not moved. Only one blinking star that I could see in the sky. That must be a sign, that I, the silly grandpa, am a shining star also.         What other reason could there be?

            Topic change; we just returned from a venture out into the country. My favorite wife seen a yard sale listed in the paper and they had some of the plastic nativity characters. We jumped in the Ford’s ole Chevy and asked for directions. We learned we would be driving 30 miles, one way. Eventually, we found this sale along with several other people. They had already sold the items that she wanted. We started for home and it was a very odd feeling, I was lost. I did not turn around and drive back down the narrow road that we had come on.

            In the olden days when I would be on a motorcycle and exploring new roads, it was more interesting and fun. Being in a car and on roads that I had never seen before was just an odd, lost feeling. We eventually came to a road that took us to a road that we knew.

            We did stop and get a couple burritos when we got back in Hewitt, now I do not need lunch. I think my favorite wife has a project for me this afternoon, I mean she may allow me to paint some.  

No wind, must work!

Senior ole retired person who rests better than he works, Don the Ford

Friday, October 29, 2021

How windy was it 10/29/2021

            It was windy enough that I found it difficult to walk like normal in the yard. I had picked up the small sticks from the yard yesterday morning as a friend had planned to come over and rake up acorns. That was all in vain, the front yard is covered in small twigs. Some were dead twigs while some were not dead. We had peak wind speeds of 49 mph. This morning I will again try to pick up the twigs even though the wind will be blowing again today. We did have a bunch of acorns fall yesterday!

            If you will allow me to move to a different topic, I did work in the back 40 yesterday, and while working there I was viciously attacked. I first went to the #1 black berry patch and pulled the weeds. Now in the #1 patch, there was only about one fifth of the weeds that had not been removed earlier. That work went well, I then proceeded to the #2 patch. 

            At the #2 patch, I was removing grass and weeds along the entire front half of the patch. The back half, which is close to the Ford’s ole shed, will require a lot more attention, as I will not only be pulling weeds, I will also need to remove a bunch of the black berry vines in order to even get to the grass and weeds.

            Now this work required me to be on my hands and knees part of the time, while at times I was able to sit and pull weeds. One problem in sitting while pulling the weeds is a fat belly. Yep, that fat belly will keep an ole retired senior person from reaching very far. That being the case, at times I would lay down and pull the weeds. Before you ask, I did have a couple rubber mats that I lay and or sat on while preforming my duties.

            Ok, now to the vicious attack, I was in the prone position (for that one person that is laying down) and I was reaching as far as possible in an attempt to get the weeds, and that is when this vicious black berry attacked me. These black berries should be thankful that I am there trying to help them. It is me who pulls the weeds and who waters them in the summer, so why do they need to be so mean!

            I had a hand full of grass and was attempting to pull it out from under the berries when that mean ole berry vine grabbed my ear, and it would not let go! I just sat still for a few seconds hoping it would have mercy on me and let go, but it did not! This berry was in a bad mood and I think it wanted to get my entire body inside the bush, where I would eventually die.

            I dropped the grass I had in my hand and gently removed the vines grip from my ear. That is when I said, keep your weeds I quit! I picked up my tools and put them away, and went to the house.             Mean ole vicious black berries!

May your plants be friendly!

Senior retired person who has mean plants in his yard, Don the Ford

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Did something else 10/28/2021

            Good morning, or good day, or good evening, depending on when you look at this posting. I did say look at this posting, as I know at least 20% of this reading public can’t or don’t read.

            That being said, I received a nice comment from a friend who stated, he was glad that my favorite wife and I were able to have quiet time together in the afternoons. He understands that with busy schedules people often don’t have, or take the time to just have some quiet time together. 

            I did something else yesterday, I had the contractor to come over and review just how everything would proceed with replacing the cement front porch. He did explain things clear enough that I could understand. I did request one little change. He will be getting the contract written up for our review and if agreed upon, a signature.

            The wind is blowing like crazy, and yesterday as I sat outside during happy hour, the wind began to gust, and the pecan tree was flopping around. I thought, that wind should cause some pecans to fall, one fell about 10 feet away. Happily, I crawled out of the Ford’s ole rocker, and walked over to it, where I picked it up. It was an acorn, not a pecan. The oak tree has a limb over part of the pecan tree and acorns drop there.  

            I have scheduled two booster shots for my first wife and me this coming Saturday. At least I hope I did; I did not get any acknowledgement from the drug store. Are they referred to as drug stores, are should we use their company names? I don’t use company names unless I am getting paid to.

            I will take the grand kids to school this morning, I hope to drop by the teller machine and get our $5.00 for the coming week. I might have enough funding in my Star coffee card to get one more cup of coffee, and I need to get some gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy.

            If all goes well, I may attempt to pull weeds from the number one and number two black berry beds today. With the 1.5-inch rain we had, the ground should be soft, and it should be easier for a retired senior person to pull the weeds.

            I guess that is it for now, have a good day!

Take time to think!


Senior retired ole person who is thankful, Don the Ford

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Did I, I did 10/27/2021

            Wow, the Don has done it! We all knew he would come through, and do it!

            Let’s see if we can understand what led up to this, and how the Don was able to accomplish this. Yesterday, the Dons favorite wife was busy much of the day painting. It should be noted that the Don asked if he could help in the painting, he was not allowed to help. There was a period of time where the Dons first wife stopped working for about one and a half hours, yep, she was talking with a friend who has stopped by.

            Note; the Dons present spouse missed her soap opera yesterday, due to that conversation with a friend. As the day progressed, the Dons spouse of more than 52 years continued to paint, even though she was advised by the Don and a neighbor lady, to stay off the step stool (AKA short ladder) at least while the Don was gone to pick up Alex from school.

            The Don returned from picking the Alex up at school, and the senior painter at the Fords homestead had almost completed her task, they still needed to paint two bird house roofs. The roofs were painted, and things were put away and kinda cleaned up. Them The Dons only spouse, Mis Donna Kay headed for the shower, as The Don prepared an adult beverage for himself, and proceeded to the Fords ole rocking chair on the Ford’s ole drive way.

            I have presented the above information in an effort to help you understand how and when, I did it!

            Prior to allowing this ole senior body to get comfortable in the Ford’s ole rocker, I did move a second chair near the ole rocker for my over worked spouse to rest in, after her shower.

            I had just become comfortable in the ole rocker, when the neighbor’s truck turned the corner, and headed down the street. At that moment I became energized, I sprang out of the ole rocker and proceeded through the front yard, determined to do what all the neighbors had been asking me if I had done.

            I was in his driveway as he exited his vehicle. I walked right up to him and said, I have 2 things I need to discuss with you! He said, ok, it is nice to meet you, to which I said, ok there are three things I need to speak with you about.

            One; it is nice to meet you.

            Two; my name is Don, what is your name?

            Three; is it ok for me to pick up the acorns from your driveway?

            We then shook hands and introduced ourselves, I noticed that he has a manly hand shake. His name is Travis, he is from the Huston area, it is ok for me to get the acorns from his drive way. I noted, all the neighbors have been asking if I had yet met him, he said now you can tell them you have met me. He seems like a very nice fellow.

            Now you know, how I did it!


It rained, be happy!

Senior neighborhood welcomer and almost nice guy, Don the Ford

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Yep, it happened 10/26/2021

            Now I know you don’t read the title line, and I understand that some may not understand even if they had read the title line, allow the Don to inform you.

            The first point is, DO NOT! Do not have a large glass of milk on the deck next to your computer and key board. I, knocked a full glass of milk onto my key board and computer yesterday. Luckily, most of the milk was in the key board. A couple keys do not want to work, they are basically stuck. Do not have a large glass of milk on the desk next to your computer!

            A change in topics; I was allowed to go to town with my present spouse yesterday and she purchased a couple items, one was a new light for the front porch. About 40 years ago I installed a motion detector for the front porch light, this detector had a wire and was placed away from the light, see photo.


            I was able to install the new light yesterday, and I still need to do some adjusting to the distance that the unit picks up movement. I don’t want it to come on when vehicles drive by.


           Next is a teaching moment; SHUT UP! If you want to be considered as a good communicator, let the other person talk. It does not matter if the person is just telling you about something that happened, or if the person is upset, let the other person talk, while you listen.

            You will learn what the other person has to say.

            The other person will feel good knowing you were concerned enough to listen.

            You will feel good knowing that you were there for that person.


            Topic change; turn them off, take time together!

            I have a suggestion for anyone. Turn off the TV and radios, get out of the TV room, make time together. My favorite wife and I have been going outside each afternoon, and we just talk about things. Sometimes we discuss olden days, sometimes we talk about something we did that day or want to do tomorrow. Heck, we even talk about our neighbors at times, (neighbor topics are always positive). Time together without distractions like TVs and radio is good. Try it, you will like it!

            The following photo is of a quiet moment.


Listen, learn, feel good!

Senior retired ole person who thinks he is ready for this day, Don the Ford

Monday, October 25, 2021

What's new? 10/25/2021

            Well, let’s see what happens to be new at the Fords homestead. Sunday morning early, I learned that the toilet would not stop running. This is the same toilet that was repaired by a plumber a couple months ago. I happened to have the needed part to repair the toilet. I did need to get down on my knees several times, part in prayer, and part in this repair process. This work did not do my ole back any good.

            Anything else new at the Ford’s homestead? Yep, I have two cameras in the Ford’s ole Chevy. My favorite spouse found a camera at a very cheap price and she purchased it for me. I decided to put it in the back window. I took the SD card out to see how good it records videos, and it does a very good job. I did learn that I needed to clean the back window after reviewing the videos. Now I record things in front of the vehicle and behind.

            Before no one asks, we have not yet met the neighbor/s. Note; I do not know if there is just one person living there (a male) or if there are two. There is only one vehicle and it has a very loud exhaust.

            I did get through the day yesterday without my back hurting. My plan to not be bending over for a while is working. Since no one asked what my plan is, I will be happy to tell you the plan, and that it is working.

            I will attempt to continue my back plan today, and I get to take the grand kids to school this morning. How we drive to school depends on who is sitting in the front passenger seat. That person gets to decide if we go to Alex’s school or Gabi’s school first. They take turns sitting in the front seat.

            On the way home from dropping the kids off at school, I stopped and got my favorite wife and I a breakfast burrito. The burritos are very good, but the hot sauce that comes with it makes the burrito GREAT! My mouth is still burring and my nose is running, the sauce is great!

            My first wife wants a new lite for the front porch. The ole lite has been there for 42 years. When we first move here, I attached a motion detector to the light. Back in the olden days this motion detector has a 6-foot-long wire and it was place away from the light over the front door. The darn thing has worked all those years.

            A photo of Charlie and Tres napping in the floor!

           That is it for today, I need a cup of coffee, so, I got to go, Don the Ford!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Don 10/24/2021

            As I understand it, the title line is one of the most important parts of my very informative Blog writings, and today’s title line is all about the author, Don the Ford. Personally, I wanted to come up with a different title line but I could not think of anything better than the Don

            Yesterday, I attempted to follow my plan to keep my back from hurting, and it worked. My plan continues today and tomorrow. Note; Molly the cat just jumped up on the Ford’s ole desk and walked across the key board, she can’t spell any better than me, so I deleted her typing.

            It seems as if the new neighbors have moved in, we have not yet met them, and I am not sure if there is two or four people going to be living there. I have seen a younger adult male and female and an older couple. The older couple may be mom and dad, they may or may not be going to live next door. 

            My favorite spouse was painting most of the day yesterday. She decided to attack a portion of the back side of the house. I must say, she did a good job, it looks very nice! She worked too hard and after all that work, we sat outside and enjoyed an adult beverage.

            Speaking of booze, I hear that the booze makers and the wine makers are facing a problem, they are having trouble finding glass bottles. The cheap booze I drink, is in plastic bottles, and I have trouble finding it! In the olden days one could return the glass soda bottles and get 2 cents per bottle. Maybe the booze people need to have a glass bottle return policy.

            Wow, I just got an idea. To purchase a bottle of booze in a glass bottle, you first have to turn in an empty glass bottle! Yep, another great idea from me, The Don!


            Nothing planned for today, just be a silly grand pa and take several naps.


Have fun, be silly!


Senior ole retired person without a plan, Don the Ford

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Are they here 10/23/2021

            Well, that title line could apply to the new neighbors who moved in yesterday, yes, they are here. No, we have not had the opportunity to welcome them yet, they just moved in yesterday, and I am sure it will be a while before they get things unpacked.

            The professionally composed title line applies to, “Are the ghosts here”? Now, if you will allow me to elaborate, I will inform you of the reason for that title line.

            This morning, a little after 5:00am, (yes, I am an early riser) I, along with the two cats, went to the door in the ole office. This door opens into the Ford’s ole garage. As I reached for the door knob, I could hear a sound coming from the garage. Now it is not unusual to hear the refrigerator, which sits next to the door, making sounds as it runs, but this was not the refrigerator.

            I turned the door knob slowly and opened the door. The sound was coming from the back of the garage where the storage rack is located. I quickly learned that the dog skeleton was making the noise. This skeleton has batteries, and when turned on it will bark and growl if you touch it. Both cats were not happy and wanted to get out of the garage, I raised the door a little and they both exited quickly. 

            I made my way to the skeleton and looked the area over, what has touched the skeleton? It was laying on its side, and that is where I had placed it a couple days ago. The skeleton continued to bark and growl as I flipped the switch. I flipped the switch several times before the skeleton would, cease and desist.

            The other day I was messing with the skeleton and it took several attempts to get it to bark and growl one time, and this morning it did not want to stop. So, what started it making noise? Could it have been a Ghost

            Topic change; lets talk about me. Yesterday, my back was doing good and I was happy with no back pain. I ventured out into the back 40 where I was going to water the potted plants. The Tres grabbed his ball and wanted to play. He dropped the ball and I bent over to pick it up, that was not a good move! The pain was back. I don’t know why, but bending over seems to start the pain. I have decided to try something today, and not bend over.

            Have you ever tried to go without bending over? You drop something and what do you instinctively do, you bend over to get the dropped item! The Don has come up with a plan to remind him to, not bend over! Someone should have asked, “What is that plan the Don has come up with”, but no one asked, and that means, no one cares about the Don, or his plan.

            It is difficult to be the Don and not have anyone care for you!

            Allow me to change the topic one more time: I have a relaxing photo for you!


            Molly seems to be very relaxed during happy hour at the Homestead!


May your weekend be safe!

Senior retired ole person who has a plan to not bend over, Don the Ford

Friday, October 22, 2021

Normal day 10/22/2021

            What is a normal day? It is a day, when you do the same thing, you do on that particular day each week. Example, on a normal Friday, you may go to town, you don’t even think about it, you just go to town on Friday. That is a normal day.

            Yesterday, was it a normal day for me? Yes, I did the normal things like, putting some clothes on, washing my hands, having a bowl of cereal, and typing data into this computer. All that is kind of normal for an ole senior retired person on a fixed income. Allow me to think a minute, yep, the rest of the day was normal, I did nothing.

            I did take the grand kids to school; I did go to the teller machine and get $5.00 so the wife and I could have some money this week. I did get a cup of coffee from the star coffee shop, (Note, I only have enough funding in the star card for one more cup of coffee), I did go to my hair stylist and get my hair styled, (that means I got a haircut). I did return home where I had left overs for lunch, I did take a nap, I did mow the lawn, I did read the Bible, I did go get the Alex from school and take him home, I did take my favorite spouse to the Cracker store for supper, I did have an adult beverage, I did watch TV, and I did go to bed.

            As you can see, not an exciting day for this senior retired person, but not a bad day either. I think we should be happy for those normal days!

            Not normal, the Tres and I went out to get the paper this morning and it was not there! Broken hearted, and with tears in our eyes, we walked back into the ole house. Tres gets his back rubbed when he gets the paper, he wanted to have his back rubbed even though he did nothing. I guess I am just a good person, I rubbed his back.

            Today, who knows, is it normal, or will I do something worthwhile?


Your day, normal or not?


Senior person who will get his one cup of coffee at home, Don the Ford

              Donations of gift cards to the star coffee shop should be address to the Ford’s Homestead

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Your attitude 10/21/21

            Let us get to, “Your Attitude”! Yesterday, I severely trimmed the grass and weeds along the fence and flower beds in the back 40. I started the Ford’s ole riding mower and drove it around the yard bringing it to the shed for gas. I noticed that it seemed to be steering oddly. As I was putting gas in the mower, I noticed that the front tire was not only flat, it was off the wheel. 

            Now I told you all that to get to this point, your attitude at any point in time can, and will, influence your behavior. My attitude was, working with my back hurting sucks, and I wasn’t looking at anything in a positive nature.

            I needed to get the tire up off the ground so I got some scrap wood pieces. I was using a 4 foot long 2 x 4 as a lever, to lift the front of the mower. As I pushed down the mower came up, the board broke. That began the irritation for the Don! I put the remainder of that board under the mower and began to lift the front of the mower, the board broke again. Did that irritate me, YES, but just for a second, then I began to laugh. Nothing was going right, but I did not need to be upset. I laughed thinking that isn’t too big of a deal. I got another board and was able to lift the mower, and I placed the three pieces of the broken board under the mower to keep it up off the ground.

            So, what seemed a problem (broken board) became the solution to the project. Seemingly bad happenings, turned out to be good!

            Even when things are going wrong, if you can keep a positive attitude, things will get better.

            Let’s see some photos: first a flower growing in the street, then a flower in our back 40.


           I added a board to one of our benches yesterday, and used the outside work bench.



      Now it is coffee time, see you later!


Positivity makes things better!

Senior retired person who needs to mow the front yard, Don the Ford

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Another day a dollar less 10/20/2021

            For us ole senior people, most days are not a dollar less, but many dollars less.

            Yesterday, we had a contractor here reviewing the work that we would like to get done. When they left, a neighbor lady arrived asking, “What are you all planning on doing now?” My spouse of more than half a century told her of the project that we are considering.

            This lady rescues and fosters dogs, so while she was here the neighbors’ dogs began barking. This lady asked, “Why don’t you have a wooden fence between your yard and theirs?” I quickly replied, where would we get the money? She seemed to think we had money to spend on things.

            I then said, lets get serious, as I looked her in the eye, she seemed to sense that I was going to say something bad, then I said, “Every time I refer to you, I refer to you as, The Dog Lady”. She smiled, and seemed to be ok with that terminology.

            The above all occurred during, and a little after, happy time at the Ford’s. My first wife and I do enjoy sitting outside in the late afternoon, when the weather is cooperative.

            Speaking of my present spouse, she was painting the wall on the front porch yesterday afternoon. However, she could not reach the top portion of the wall. I asked what her plan was, and she said she would get the step stool and finish painting. It was then, that I volunteered to help by painting the high portion of the wall. I was allowed to help, and I did get a stool to stand on. The wall doesn’t look too bad, although it is not complete, as the bottom board was reportedly still wet, from the washing prior to painting. 

            Yesterday, I did sand the four boards that will be used as supports on the church bench out front. My spouse wants me to use bolts to secure them to the bench, I would prefer to use screws. The bolts will be visible, screws could be counter sunk into the wood and not seen.

            I need to do a bunch of yard work all around the homestead. I have ignored proper trimming for the last two weeks, so trimming will take time. I need to be looking for weeds, as I have seen some in places where they usually are not located.  After all that back breaking work, I will then need to mow. This week, as I approach the laboring, in the homestead’s front yard and back 40, I will attempt to work at a pace that might, even satisfy you. Fast enough to get the work done, slow enough to not miss anything.  

            Time for me to take a break from all this finger tiring data entry, ole hands get tired easily. I might be able to hold a cup of coffee, with my tired ole hands.

Work hard, get tired!

Senior poet who did not know it, Don the Ford

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Nephews and Nieces 10/19/2021

            Uncles are often the adult while the nephew or niece is the child, or at least much younger than the uncle.

            Today I am speaking about one of my many nephews. Mike, a nephew of mine, was just a couple years younger than me. I learned that he passed away last Saturday morning. Mike and I were not only related, in the olden days we were buddies. We use to go hunting together for doves, rabbits, ducks, and we even did some goose hunting. There were many good times in my memories, Mike will be missed!

            Yesterday, I spoke to another nephew of mine, his name is Paul, he is three months younger than me. During our conversation it was noted that everyone has friends from time past, and possibly relatives that we do not contact. These friends could be from school, people we worked with, people we ran around with as teenagers. Then we think, I should call each of these people, just the say hi, and asked how they are doing. Many of us, quickly move to a different thought and never call our ole friends.

            We basically live in a habitual world. We do the same things at the same time each day, not even thinking about ole friends or family until we get a message of ones passing. Will we change, probably not.

            Maybe today, if we can call one of our ole friends, it might make their day, and I am sure it will make our day better. Then possibly the ole friend we call, calls one of their ole friends.             Wow, you might start something!

            Topic change; I actually did a few things yesterday. I went to the Ford’s ole shed and cleared the work bench off, I through some items away (yep, I actually was able to toss some items out. There are some items in the back of the shed that I can’t reach right now, but when the Christmas decorations come out, those items will be gone too). Yes, I did sweep all the floor that I could get to, the shed is almost inviting now.

            I started making some wood braces for the ole church bench that sits on the front porch. My favorite spouse asked me to do this. Yesterday, I moved the table saw from the Ford’s ole garage, to the front yard, where I was able to cut the four boards. Each of the boards have a curved end, so the jigsaw was put to used in that endeavor. I will need to use the router and do some sanding to each of the four boards today. I will also need to paint them prior to attaching. No rest for the wicked, I mean ole retired people!

            As I am sitting here, I am aware that they are test firing another rocket. The test fire site is about 8 to 10 miles away, but the test firing is easily heard in Hewitt. This time it sounds as if they were increasing the power, and then decreasing the power, as the noise increased, then decreased, and again increased.

            I got the grand kids off to school safely, and I am now back at home entering these wonderfully compose comments for you, the reading public.

Call a friend? your choice!


Senior ole person who is planning to call an ole friend today, Don the Ford

Monday, October 18, 2021

Flies time wow 10/18 2021

            I know, some of you didn’t even look at the title line. For those of you who are awake, as you attempt to read this soon to be wonderful posting, the title line is in reverse. In this setting, reverse means backwards. I know that most of you know what reverse means, but that one person may not have understood.

            Time flies, even if you are not having fun. We are back to Monday again, time does seem to get away from me, but it may just be that my memory isn’t as good as it use to be. I just returned from taking the grand kids to school. It is very cool out this morning so we actually used the heater in the Ford’s ole Chevy, it worked. 

            I did work on the Tension relievers / Meditation enhancers yesterday, heck I even have a photo. What will I do when I run out of scrap wood? Being on a fixed income, I will just have to sit around, take naps, and wish that I had more scrap wood.

            Also, I did install the new security camera replacement yesterday, and it is working like a charm. Yes, there is a photo to follow, as seen through the new camera lens, color is back. The other new camera is portable and can easily be hidden. I am learning to use it.

           A neighbor came over yesterday and road the Ford’s ole electric bike. They are considering getting one or two as they would use them when camping. She said she liked it after a short ride, her other half did not ride the bike.

            I have a couple outside projects for today, that is why I have a long-sleeved flannel shirt on. I guess I should get a cup of coffee and get to work outside.

May all your work be …!

Senior retired person on a fixed income who has too much work, Don the Ford

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Fall has fell 10/17/2021

            I can see by the look on your face, that you think the title line is not needed, now that the temp is 44 degrees this morning, heck, everyone knows that Fall is here. In fact, you are correct. Hay, this may be the first time you have ever been correct. You get a gold star!           

            Now I have started something, I should have never awarded you a gold star. Everyone is going to want a gold star now. Why am I so nice? I am just too generous for my own good!

            Topic alteration; I did work on the, “Tension relievers / Meditation enhancers yesterday. This scrap wood is difficult to work with, I had to use one of the Tension relievers to help me relax during the work process. Before anyone asks, yes, they will be for sale to real people, and free to the retired senior people!

            Subject swing; lets see if I have a photo or two. The first photo I found interesting; it is shadows of trees holding hands.

         Second photo is of early morning clouds, I don’t know why but I find clouds interesting. 

            That is, it for today, I now head for that cup of coffee!


Be positive, it helps everyone!

            When we are positive, we feel good, and we make others feel good!

                        Thank you for helping me feel good!


Senior ole retired person who appreciates some positive comments, Don the Ford