
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Cost too much 10/03/2021

            I had gone to the home store to see if I could get 3 pieces of ½ inch galvanized pipe, my intent was to use them to make handles for the outdoor work bench. One 18 inch long, ½ inch galvanized pipe was $10.89. I told my spouse, who was with me, no way. I decided to see about ordering them from the past employer, for hopefully a lot less money. Later I learned, the same piece of pipe at my past employer cost $3.02, seems like the home store marks things up!

            Before we returned home, we decided to get a bite to eat. We went to a restaurant that we had not been to in about a year. The menu was a lot different from the past. We placed our orders, and the food came to the table.

            We had both ordered shrimp, but my favorite wife receive chicken. The wait staff returned to the table, and we told her what had happened. She brought my first wife a whole new plate of food. My present spouse had eaten food from the first plate, so we asked for a to-go box. My favorite wife then had a complete meal for supper.

            Topic alteration; even though I did not have the ½ inch galv. Pipe I went ahead and drilled a hole through one of the bench legs. Photo of my tool to follow.

            It would be nice to have some power tools like real people do. The drill in the photo is probably older than me. I am not sure if it was my dad’s, or Donna’s dads drill.

            Later I went out to the back 40 and found some ¾ inch pipe that will work as handles. I will consider using the ¾ pipe. Wow, I can save some money by using the ole ¾ inch pipe.

            Change of subject; I have a photo of a flower that is growing in the rose flower bed, it is not a rose, but it is pretty.

             Now let us see a different photo; you might need to look close to see what I am reporting to you. When the Tres and I went outside to get the paper, I observed some very bright colored clouds. There is one cloud that is, a straight line. It looks like something that a jet plane would leave but it is a cloud.


            See the straight-line cloud just above the house top. The cloud went on, but I could not get it all in the photo.


Have a nice day!


Senior retired person who likes the clouds, Don the Ford


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