Do you prefer the beginning or the end? I would believe that you have never considered which you prefer, or, if you even have a preference. There are many beginnings and ends in our lives, so I will just briefly address a couple subjects, and allow you to consider any other subject.
A meal. Do you prefer the beginning of the meal, or the end? At the beginning, you may be hungry, the food is prepared properly, it looks good, and it may smell very good. At the end of the meal, you are no longer hungry, the plate looks empty with only a few crumbs, there is no smell other than a burp, which came out of you! Do you prefer the beginning of the meal, or the end?
A movie. Do you prefer the beginning or the end?
A human. Do you prefer a baby or a senior citizen?
You can work on preferences in your own way.
The title line is referring to the beginning of the month, it is October first. Don’t make any more out of the title line than necessary, and how you get me on these odd ball topics I will never understand.
I worked on the new outside work bench today, and have it mostly completed. I have a photo of the unit, remember it is made with scrap wood and not completed.
As you may be able to see, there is a top work area and it even has a lower shelf. The dog gone thing weighs about 50 pounds, it is heavy! Allow me to demonstrate how strong the unit is. I have a photo with a pile of heavy stuff sitting on the top work area. This pile of stuff is about 250 pounds, so it is strong.
The unit will need a little more work and also need to be painted. I don’t like painting but it needs to be done.
Topic change; we have not heard from the tree trimming people who were supposed to be here this week, and tomorrow is the last day of this week. We are expecting rain, and when the rein is over, I will, if the tree trimmers don’t show up, get the ladder and saw out, and do the work myself. It isn’t that I can’t do it, I just did not want to. There is one big limb that I will need help with, and I will ask David to help me with that.
Topic move; the grand kids arrived an hour early this morning, so we will go to the star coffee place and get our morning drinks before school. These drinks have reduced the amount of funding in my star coffee gold card to an amount so low, that we can’t go back after this trip, unless I put some funding into the card. I have had the gold card since 2013 and they still accept it but they do not give them out any longer. When I get a gift card to the star coffee place, I have the money moved from the gift card to the gold card.
That is, it for today.
May you be filled with kindness!
Senior retired person who received a nice one-inch rain, Don the Ford
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