
Friday, October 22, 2021

Normal day 10/22/2021

            What is a normal day? It is a day, when you do the same thing, you do on that particular day each week. Example, on a normal Friday, you may go to town, you don’t even think about it, you just go to town on Friday. That is a normal day.

            Yesterday, was it a normal day for me? Yes, I did the normal things like, putting some clothes on, washing my hands, having a bowl of cereal, and typing data into this computer. All that is kind of normal for an ole senior retired person on a fixed income. Allow me to think a minute, yep, the rest of the day was normal, I did nothing.

            I did take the grand kids to school; I did go to the teller machine and get $5.00 so the wife and I could have some money this week. I did get a cup of coffee from the star coffee shop, (Note, I only have enough funding in the star card for one more cup of coffee), I did go to my hair stylist and get my hair styled, (that means I got a haircut). I did return home where I had left overs for lunch, I did take a nap, I did mow the lawn, I did read the Bible, I did go get the Alex from school and take him home, I did take my favorite spouse to the Cracker store for supper, I did have an adult beverage, I did watch TV, and I did go to bed.

            As you can see, not an exciting day for this senior retired person, but not a bad day either. I think we should be happy for those normal days!

            Not normal, the Tres and I went out to get the paper this morning and it was not there! Broken hearted, and with tears in our eyes, we walked back into the ole house. Tres gets his back rubbed when he gets the paper, he wanted to have his back rubbed even though he did nothing. I guess I am just a good person, I rubbed his back.

            Today, who knows, is it normal, or will I do something worthwhile?


Your day, normal or not?


Senior person who will get his one cup of coffee at home, Don the Ford

              Donations of gift cards to the star coffee shop should be address to the Ford’s Homestead

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