
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Anniversaries 10/05/2021

            The title line is one word, “Anniversaries”. Please note that it has an “S” on the end, meaning plural, or more then one.

            Now I am sure, some of you are wondering, what or who had anniversaries. Please continue to read and I will attempt to enlighten the reading public.

            First, our son David and Claire had their 18th anniversary yesterday! Wow time flies when you are having fun! Gabi is 14 and Alex is 11 years old.

            Second, the Don has his 18th anniversary today. Now I can see that a couple of you are wondering, what kind of anniversary could the Don have? Allow me to enlighten you. It has been 18 years since I stopped using chewing tobacco, and I am happy that I have stayed away from the nicotine.

            As a nicotine addict, and I was seriously addicted to the nicotine! I know how it controls the user’s life. Using the word User, may allow the addict to seem less controlled by the drug, we should always use Addict!

            The person who is addicted to any substance, in this article we are only talking about nicotine, often think, I like this cigarette, chew or dip, I use it because I enjoy it! Trust me, the addict does enjoy ingesting the nicotine. The drug nicotine can bring you up when you are feeling down, and it can bring you down or relax you when needed.

            In my opinion, the addict can only quit when he or she wants to. There is nothing you or I can say that will help them kick the addiction.

            I had a step father who was in his 70s, he had smoked all his life, and he was on oxygen. He would shut the oxygen off, light his cigarette and smoke it, then turn the oxygen back on so he could breathe. Do you think he was addicted?

            My brother Amos, had smoke most of his life, when in his 60s he was told by the doctor that he must stop smoking, the smoke was ruining his lungs. He started using a gum that has nicotine in it. He stopped smoking but was addicted to the nicotine in the gum. He was still addicted to the nicotine, but there was no smoke going into his lungs.

            I picked a date to quit!

            I told several friends and family that I was quitting, mostly to let them know I would be in a bad mood for a while!

            I quit! Friends would call me and ask how I was doing. The support helps!

            I tossed out half a case of chewing tobacco.


            Many of us have family members and friends who are still addicted to the nicotine. If they stop using nicotine, please support them.


            That is my sermon for today. If you know anyone who is quitting be supportive, say positive things, show them that you care!


Stopping is very difficult!


Senior nicotine addict who is happy he quit, Don the Ford


        Comment: the addiction has such control that I have said, “If I were to learn that I had only a few months to live, I would begin chewing again!”

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