
Sunday, October 10, 2021

A very nice day 10/10/2021

            Yesterday was a very nice day, and we are starting another, “Very nice day”.

            Patrick and Karla came to Hewitt yesterday, mainly to celebrate Karla’s father’s birthday. Bob’s birthday is actually today, and we want to say Happy Birthday to BOB!

            We went to lunch with Bob, Janet, Karla and Patrick yesterday. The food was good, but the people present were even better. We enjoyed nice conversations with real good food.

            Later in the day, Patrick and Karla came to our homestead. Then Dave and Claire brought Alex and Gabi over to spend the night. There was a lot of lively conversations, the virus and vaccines were tossed around some, but the topics varied, heck we even discussed politics a little.

            Later after everyone left Alex wanted to mow the back yard. He went out and took the tarp off the riding mower. Then he and I began to remove items that would be in the way of mowing, dog poop, dog toys, sticks that have fell from the trees.

            Those chores completed, Alex wanted to drive the mower for a while without the blades running, just to get use to driving again. After about 10 minutes of test driving and backing, I suggested that he begin mowing.

            Alex mows a little different that I do, but we both accomplish the same goal, cutting the grass. The mower is very loud and Alex did have the noise blocking head set on. He didn’t know it but I could hear him singing as he was mowing.

            Mowing completed I took some time to read the bible, I do this every day, and it seems as if I learn something each time I read.

            My favorite wife and I went outside about an hour later than usual, to enjoy the nice afternoon, and maybe a diet coke with something added. Alex came outside with us but he could not sit still, he got a broom and swept the driveway. The broom would not get everything, so he then pulled the hose to the driveway and sprayed water on the driveway. He was then able to get some of the bird poop off the cement.

            As one can see, we had a very good day!

            This Sunday morning, we are planning to go to the barrel store / restaurant, and have a nice breakfast. Now you no, I need to stop typing and get dressed for breakfast.


Enjoy the day, we are!


Senior ole retired person who is ready for breakfast, Don the Ford

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