
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Did I, I did 10/27/2021

            Wow, the Don has done it! We all knew he would come through, and do it!

            Let’s see if we can understand what led up to this, and how the Don was able to accomplish this. Yesterday, the Dons favorite wife was busy much of the day painting. It should be noted that the Don asked if he could help in the painting, he was not allowed to help. There was a period of time where the Dons first wife stopped working for about one and a half hours, yep, she was talking with a friend who has stopped by.

            Note; the Dons present spouse missed her soap opera yesterday, due to that conversation with a friend. As the day progressed, the Dons spouse of more than 52 years continued to paint, even though she was advised by the Don and a neighbor lady, to stay off the step stool (AKA short ladder) at least while the Don was gone to pick up Alex from school.

            The Don returned from picking the Alex up at school, and the senior painter at the Fords homestead had almost completed her task, they still needed to paint two bird house roofs. The roofs were painted, and things were put away and kinda cleaned up. Them The Dons only spouse, Mis Donna Kay headed for the shower, as The Don prepared an adult beverage for himself, and proceeded to the Fords ole rocking chair on the Ford’s ole drive way.

            I have presented the above information in an effort to help you understand how and when, I did it!

            Prior to allowing this ole senior body to get comfortable in the Ford’s ole rocker, I did move a second chair near the ole rocker for my over worked spouse to rest in, after her shower.

            I had just become comfortable in the ole rocker, when the neighbor’s truck turned the corner, and headed down the street. At that moment I became energized, I sprang out of the ole rocker and proceeded through the front yard, determined to do what all the neighbors had been asking me if I had done.

            I was in his driveway as he exited his vehicle. I walked right up to him and said, I have 2 things I need to discuss with you! He said, ok, it is nice to meet you, to which I said, ok there are three things I need to speak with you about.

            One; it is nice to meet you.

            Two; my name is Don, what is your name?

            Three; is it ok for me to pick up the acorns from your driveway?

            We then shook hands and introduced ourselves, I noticed that he has a manly hand shake. His name is Travis, he is from the Huston area, it is ok for me to get the acorns from his drive way. I noted, all the neighbors have been asking if I had yet met him, he said now you can tell them you have met me. He seems like a very nice fellow.

            Now you know, how I did it!


It rained, be happy!

Senior neighborhood welcomer and almost nice guy, Don the Ford

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