
Friday, October 29, 2021

How windy was it 10/29/2021

            It was windy enough that I found it difficult to walk like normal in the yard. I had picked up the small sticks from the yard yesterday morning as a friend had planned to come over and rake up acorns. That was all in vain, the front yard is covered in small twigs. Some were dead twigs while some were not dead. We had peak wind speeds of 49 mph. This morning I will again try to pick up the twigs even though the wind will be blowing again today. We did have a bunch of acorns fall yesterday!

            If you will allow me to move to a different topic, I did work in the back 40 yesterday, and while working there I was viciously attacked. I first went to the #1 black berry patch and pulled the weeds. Now in the #1 patch, there was only about one fifth of the weeds that had not been removed earlier. That work went well, I then proceeded to the #2 patch. 

            At the #2 patch, I was removing grass and weeds along the entire front half of the patch. The back half, which is close to the Ford’s ole shed, will require a lot more attention, as I will not only be pulling weeds, I will also need to remove a bunch of the black berry vines in order to even get to the grass and weeds.

            Now this work required me to be on my hands and knees part of the time, while at times I was able to sit and pull weeds. One problem in sitting while pulling the weeds is a fat belly. Yep, that fat belly will keep an ole retired senior person from reaching very far. That being the case, at times I would lay down and pull the weeds. Before you ask, I did have a couple rubber mats that I lay and or sat on while preforming my duties.

            Ok, now to the vicious attack, I was in the prone position (for that one person that is laying down) and I was reaching as far as possible in an attempt to get the weeds, and that is when this vicious black berry attacked me. These black berries should be thankful that I am there trying to help them. It is me who pulls the weeds and who waters them in the summer, so why do they need to be so mean!

            I had a hand full of grass and was attempting to pull it out from under the berries when that mean ole berry vine grabbed my ear, and it would not let go! I just sat still for a few seconds hoping it would have mercy on me and let go, but it did not! This berry was in a bad mood and I think it wanted to get my entire body inside the bush, where I would eventually die.

            I dropped the grass I had in my hand and gently removed the vines grip from my ear. That is when I said, keep your weeds I quit! I picked up my tools and put them away, and went to the house.             Mean ole vicious black berries!

May your plants be friendly!

Senior retired person who has mean plants in his yard, Don the Ford

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