
Monday, October 11, 2021

Lite sleeper 10/11/2021

            I use to be a lite sleeper. That does not mean I was lite on the mattress; it does mean that I was easily awaken with almost any noise. Last night they had predicted storms until 2:00am this morning. When I awoke this morning, I thought there had been no storms, as I had not been awakened by thunder. The news this morning said we did get rain last night so I went outside and looked at the rain gage. More than a ¼ less than a ½ inch of rain, and I slept through it. Could that mean I am getting old? (Did you notice the word lite floated above the others?)

            Today is considered a holiday by the schools, so Alex and Gabi will be here today. My favorite wife is making home made chicken noodle soup, we all like it, but Alex likes it most!

            Yesterday, I learned that I am not really good at caulking. Also, I ran out of caulk and now I will need to get another tube.

            I did upgrade the outside work bench yesterday; it now has a vise on it. 😊


            What? Would you believe, yes, we will be installing a solar powered light on the outdoor work bench, just in case my first wife wants to use the bench after dark. 😐

            Topic alteration; I have ordered a couple security cameras for the Ford homestead. One of my cameras is not going into night mode as it should and it stays in black and white during the day. I will replace it. The other camera is a solar powered camera. I have a plan for that camera, if it lives up to my expectations. I had not thought about installing it on the outdoor work bench until now. Heck, If I install it there, I could keep and eye on my favorite spouse when she is working. 😊

            Last topic; the Tres decided to get on the couch between Patrick and Karla yesterday.


Plan nap time, it's important!


Senior ole retired person who has too much to do, Don the Ford

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