
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wow, different 05/26/2021

            Wow, today I did not turn the computer on until 8:30. I usually turn it on as soon as I get dressed. NO, my wife doesn't have to help me get dressed, she just enjoys helping me! 😐

            This morning I went out and picked the black berries. I got several today, and I have now began only picking those that are from 75%, to totally black. 50% or less I leave there to ripen, even though I can bring them into the Homestead and they will ripen sitting on the kitchen counter. I will go back this afternoon and the 50% group will be mostly totally black. 😊

            It isn't raining this morning, and we had a mostly dry day yesterday. I will attempt to manicure the lawn today, both front and back. I need to change the oil in the riding mower, and I need an oil filter for the mower. Darn, I might need to go to town.

            My first wife plans on painting some patio furniture today, I hope that I do not interfere with her painting, as it will be done on the back 40, and as I said, I plan to mow the back 40.  😐

I did go to the cleaners and drop off some shirts and pants this morning, I stopped by the coffee house and got a free cup, then I went by the teller machine and would you believe, I procured $10.00 which will be split between my favorite wife and I for next week's allowance. 😐

            I was allowed to sit outside yesterday afternoon and have an adult beverage. During that time I noticed that the pecan tree was starting to produce pecans, you will need to look closely at the photo to see the small cons as they attempt to begin life. 


            I need to get started on the yard work or I will never get done, C U L.  😊


Smile and you will be happy!


Senior retired person on a fixed income who works too hard, Don the Ford

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