
Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday again 05/10/2021

            I have noticed something, that I am sure the reading public may not have become aware of. What is it that this ole senior retired person has been made aware of? Every week, Monday occurs at this time. We never get a Monday at the end of the week, why not.

            Monday is that day when everything seems to start over, you know, for those of you who are real people, with real jobs, all that work is ahead of you! Wouldn't it be nice if just once Monday would come in the middle of the week, and maybe a Friday at the beginning of the week?                What a week that would be!


            You didn't ask so I will tell you, what do I have to do today? I need to take the cat Molley, to the vet this morning, that is always fun.

           It is nice and cool outside this morning, so Tres may take me for an early morning walk.

            We are supposed to get rain tomorrow, I hope we do as the Green berries need it. Speaking of berries, most are still Green and some are starting to turn to a pink or light red. As you may have guessed, I have a photo.


            I find it interesting there are berries that are turning red, and there are still blooms being produced by the vines.


            I need to see if I can find Molley and get her inside the Homestead. Then if Tres is still in the mood, he can take me for a walk.


May you fill the day with Kindness!

Senior cat hauler and walker of the dog, Don the Ford

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