Actually, we did almost nothing yesterday. It wasn’t raining so we just went outside and enjoyed the weather. My favorite wife painted the table and 4 chairs that are on the patio. She then went to a flower bed and pulled the weeds out, and then planted some flowers. She also thinned out the Four O’clocks, (Four O’clocks are flowers).
I manicured the front yard, and then went to the back 40 and repeated that process. I found it interesting that Dr. Steve mowed on Wednesday and started it all, then I mowed yesterday along with the other Steve next door, Bill across the street, Juan on the corner, and Walkie who lives behind me across the ditch. Did we all know it was going to rain today, are were we just trying to keep up with the neighbors?
Let’s display some photos. I may narrate. We now have 3 or 4 quarts of blackberries picked and put away, more to come.
Below a rose just for you, may your day be filled with roses.
Below we see a wild flower in the grass before I mowed it.
The following flowers are Four O’clocks. I got them from my sister Wilda who lived in Missouri, many years ago. Basically, they require no special attention, other than some water in the summer. The birds will spread them and they come back every year. The photo is blurry, I took it while I was mowing, and I did not hold the phone still enough.
Our positive thought is, “we are glad we got all the work done yesterday”, this rain is kind of annoying but we are happy that we, “Goter dun”!
Thank positive, you can do it!
Senior retired persons from all the work we did, Don and Donna the Fords!
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