
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Prophecy or prediction 05/08/2021

            Before we get to far into what will be, lets first consider, what has been!

            On Friday morning I and my favorite wife went out back and worked in the flower beds. She pulled weeds from two flower beds; I have an after photo from one bed.

   Don’t tell her I said this, but she does nice work!

            I went to work on the stump using the electric saw. It worked some but not as much as I wanted, the blade was too short. I then got the electric chain saw and used it. It worked but the unit was not oiling the chain, yep, I need to do some cleaning on it. I have a photo of the area where the stump was removed, and I was allowed to plant a rose bush near that same area.

I was also allowed to plant another rose bush in another location, see below.

There is another rose to be planted, but I was told to hold off on that planting.


                                               Prophecy or prediction?

            You choose which word you like from the title line; they are synonyms. If you don’t know what a synonym is, look it up. 

            I was watching TV when a thought came to me.

            In this world of change, virtual school classes, virtual meetings, virtual doctor visits, and who knows what else is now virtual, consider the following.

            To avoid injuries of the kids, the high school football games, the basketball games, and all other sports, these sports will go virtual. That means the teams will play the games on the computer. Consider; a school here in Texas is the state champ and they play against the state champs from Ohio. Neither team needs to travel, as the contest is via computer. Each team player stays home and plays the game!

              Then college sports (can you see where this is going)?


    Topic change, or almost a topic change;    

              In the future wars will be fought using, “computer war programs”!

              This fighting will be much like the computer games people are using today, except the fighting will not be a game, but a true war.  Each country will start with their best combatants, each country will have a certain number of combatants and when all the combatants have been eliminated from one country, there will be, “a Take all winner.”

              The results will be that one country then takes over the other country without destroying all the buildings, or any of the assets, and not killing a bunch of people.


              I can see you grinning, you think the Don is crazy, but I am not. Yes, I am silly, but not crazy, and this will happen in the not-too-distant future!

                                                Smartie pants, Prove me wrong!

              Heck, I haven’t even touched the rise of the robots. As we become more home bound, never leaving the home to go anywhere, we will rely more on the robots to do everything inside and outside the home. Heck, they have a robotic vehicle who is now delivering pizza. +


            I could go on with the above but I believe you see where it is going. On a happier note, I have a photo of some wild flowers in the ditch behind the homestead.


May your Saturday be filled with real life!

Senior stump remover, rose planter and predictor of the coming, Don the Ford

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