
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April 23, 2024

            The sun is shining again this morning, and we are having a good morning, we hope you are also. Today will be a normal schedule for us here at the Ford’s Homestead, that means we have very little or nothing to do.

            What did the Don do yesterday: I sit around a lot doing nothing and at one point I did walk outside and see that I needed to pull a few weeds in one of the flower beds. I got the ole knee pads and a rubber mat which helps to protect my ole body when I am on the cement walkway. I did not get off the walkway into the flower bed, so I could not reach all the weeds, but I did get a bunch.

            After all that work, I did get into a chair on the front porch and enjoy some rest. Nope, I did not have anything to read I was just sitting there doing nothing.

            After my break was over, I did provide Tres and the birds in the back 40 some fresh water to drink. While I was out there, I reviewed the black berries again and we have a bunch. It will not be long until we will be saying ouch many times every day, “Black Berries do hurt”. I do have a selfie that I will share with you.

            Yes, I was near the #2 black berries when this photo was taken.

            Speaking of photos, we have several flowers blooming at this time, along with too many weeds, I will attempt to provide a photo. This photo is of one of the flowerpots in the front yard.

            I took this photo this morning when Tres and I had taken our morning stroll in the front yard. Yes, the flowers are pretty, but they are not the reason of the photo, look closer. I wanted to show you the weeds are trying to take over everything. What? No, the flowers in the photo are not real, the weed is the reason for the photo, and yes, I pulled the weed out of the pot.

            The bible study went well last night, and we have one more meeting before our summer break. At our last meeting we have food to eat before the meetings starts, it gives us time to socialize.

            Well, I guess I should stop and go do nothing for a while. We hope you have a good day; we hope someone is nice to you and that everyone has a safe day.

Weed remover.

Senior ole retired person who might, but he might not, who knows, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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