
Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 21, 2024

            Good morning from the Ford Homestead to you all. Well, we got through the night even though there was a lot of rain and lightning.

            Yesterday adventure: my favorite wife and I did go into Waco for lunch, we did invite Dave and Gabi to go along but they had other plans. Our lunch was good and we did go to the cheap store. We did not get the item we wanted but we did get another item, so the trip was not a loss. We have had lite rain off and on yesterday, I have not yet checked the rain gage so I don’t know how much we received. The rain seemed to come and go [off and on] through the day.

            It was too cool to sit outside yesterday so we just hid inside the homestead. When I sit outside, I do like an occasional adult beverage, but not when I am sitting inside. Inside maybe some popcorn or peanuts to munch on, and we don’t usually have visitors inside the homestead, so not any interesting conversations.

            I sat inside and read from the Revelation book but I would have preferred sitting outside to read. I think it is easier on my eyes outside and I don’t wear glasses to read when I am outside. I guess ole people can’t have everything.

            I have a couple photos that I will provide to that one person, and you can see then also. As I was on the riding mower Friday, I saw what I call a “wooly worm”. Now this fellow was crawling along a board so I paused the mower and wanted to get a photo of him. I must have scared him with all the noise of the mower as he balled up.

            You may notice that he is black, and I have been told that when we see dark colored wooly worms, that means cold weather is coming. I guess that’s why it was 55 degrees yesterday.

            I have a photo of the black berry that was starting to turn color, it was also taken on Friday.


            That is all the photos I have to share for now. I did go out this morning and check the free rain gage and it has an even one inch of water in it. I might note, the back 40 has some water standing in it, I am glad I got the mowing done before the rain.

            Well, I guess I should say that is it for now, we hope you have a nice Sunday, maybe some good food and please stay safe in all you do.

Worms and berries?

Senior ole person who needs a lot, and has very little, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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