
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024

            How do I start this note to you without that one person feeling bad? Let’s do this, to that one person, and we all know who you are, “good morning”! To the rest of you I say, “hello”. Wow that seemed to work, I haven’t had any negative questions or responses from him.

We had some rain last night, but I don’t think it was very much, there isn’t any water standing in the yard, and I did not look at the free rain gage. There was some thunder and Tres did get on the bed very close to me last night.

I have the feeling that the amount of rain was not enough to water all the plants, so I will likely brake out the hose and water the plants including the berry beds. Never any rest for the senior people, or for me. We are supposed to have a bright and sunny day.

In truth, I did very little yesterday. I did not need to get Dave from work, but I did get the kids from school. I did read my daily reading of the bible and I also read from a book that I now have on revelations. The first 20 pages kind of get you ready for what you will be reading. Today I should start reading about the first of the seven churches. If you don’t know about the 7 churches, maybe you should read Revelations.

Bible study was good last night, we did have pizza in our discussion group and the discussions afterwords were informative.

Yesterday I did take some sealer that is used to seal bricks and cement, and I used a 4-inch roller and wrote, “405” on the driveway at the street. Now it can only be seen when the drive is wet. I also wrote my name on the drive near the house. My favorite wife was not in favor of me doing this, I think she thinks I am silly.

I do need to get an oil filter for the riding mower and get the oil changed, not sure if I will get to do that today or not. I have a small woodworking project that I might get to start today and that is to make me another small wooden cross. I may have given the first one that I made away.

There are some trees coming up in the front yard again, when they get to be tall enough, I will mow them down. The problem is, if “I” mow them down, then I will also want to trim the sidewalk, driveway, curb and around the flower beds and that is real work. speaking of flower beds, I have a photo of a blooming flower in the bed next to the shed, and yes there are blackberry leaves in the background as these flowers are against the shed and number 2 berry bed.

Well, I think I need to quit now, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe. If you can, please try to be nice to that one person again, I think it helps him.

Blooms everywhere.

Senior ole retired person who needs almost everything, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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