
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31, 2023

            We made it to the last day of the month, and I guess we are looking forward to a new month. For me, being a senior person, the days seem to run together, and I often need to stop and think, “what day is it?”

            First topic: I have finally given in and allowed the ole computer to download Windows 11. It is somewhat different but so far, I have been able to work my way through it. I guess even ole people can occasionally understand new things.

            Second topic: Well, I said yesterday that I had planned to mow the front yard, I did get that task completed without any injuries to this ole senior body. The yard actually looks pretty good.

            Third topic: The cable repair man did come to the homestead and changed out the cable box. This new box is smaller, but it does not show what channel you are watching, and it does not show the time. We get use to having something and when it goes away, we feel less than happy.

            Forth topic: I noticed that the rain shut off device for the sprinkler system had a low battery. I removed the device and brought it to the swing where we were sitting. Yes, it was happy hour and we were outside enjoying the afternoon. We change the batteries, and I started messing around with the unit, and now I have messed something up. I may even need to read the manual to learn how to get it back to operating properly. Why is all the pressure always on me? And before you say it, yes, I should have left well enough alone. 

Fifth topic: There was rain in the area, but we did not get any, so I ran the sprinkler system yesterday.

Sixth topic: After sitting outside for an unusually long period, trying to get the unit working properly, it was decided to go to the berry beds and see if we could harvest anything. What did we get, we got a bunch of ouches, and my favorite berry picker got hung up with one of the vines. Picking isn’t always fun, but it is always painful.

Seventh topic: I have a photo of a hole; I hope you enjoy it.

            When I first saw this hole in the cloud it was a square. I had a cup of homemade coffee in one hand and a cookie in the other hand, so by the time I was able to get to my phone the square was not square, but I still liked the hole.

            I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a pleasant day filled with nice people and please stay safe.

Holy or holey?

Senior ole person who needs to read the sprinkler instruction manual, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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