Yesterday was a fairly good day, I did not see any rain, our back 40 is still very wet but not as much standing water as before. I know you don’t want to know this but since I am creating this posting, I will always publish what I want, and sometimes what you want. Over the years we have had several above ground pools in the back 40. Where these pools were placed, the ground was shall we say, leveled out prior to installing the pool. Now these areas are still a little lower than other parts of the back 40, thus water stands there.
Varied comment: I did review the berry beds yesterday and I found one Black, black berry, many red berries and a ton of green berries. The one Black berry had been assaulted by the birds (aka partly eaten).
Altered subject: I did take a partial loaf of bread out and walk along the back fence tossing the pieces across the fence for the birds to eat. Tres went with me, he had to have a couple pieces of bread too.
Swapping topics: My favorite wife and I did have lunch with friends yesterday at the George restaurant. The food was good, service was very good, conversations were lively and fun.
Change of subject matter: I did go to the skin doctor yesterday, all seemed ok, I get to go back in 6 months.
Another topic: My wife of more than 50 years allowed me to sit outside with her yesterday afternoon. It was a little warm but an occasional breeze did help. We both re-entered the homestead about 6:00 to watch the documentary about the 1953 tornado.
We are expecting rain off and on for the next several days, I assume that will slow down or stop the possibility of a new carport on the driveway.
The breakfast burrito and real coffee this morning was good, and my belly fills full. I probably should get up and do something to work off the food, wait, it is too wet outside for an ole person to go out and work, maybe a nap will help the full belly.
Rain reducing the drought!
Senior ole person who must check the berries daily now, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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