Well, it is Tuesday, and it isn’t raining. It did rain yesterday afternoon and my favorite wife and I was forced to sit on the front porch with our beverage due to the rain. Actually, it was nice on the porch with the slow easy rain, even our conversations were slow and easy. Ok, I know what you just thought, and even though you might be correct in thinking ole people are slow and easy, I don’t think it is nice of you thinking of us ole people as being, “slow and easy”!
I should stop entering data right now and leave you without any additional info. One day you are my favorite, and the next day you hurt my fillings!
I will continue for the other readers, not for that one, and we all know who you are. Ken the contractor did arrive at the Fords homestead yesterday, the first trailer had the metal that will be used as the frame. He returned later with the metal that will be used as the top. He was working on the frame pieces getting them ready to paint when he discovered that his spray gun would not work. He explained that to me and left to get a new sprayer, he is supposed to be here this morning to get back to work. I have a photo of the progress so far.
Since the weather was good yesterday until later in the afternoon, I was able to mow the front yard. Interesting, I along with two neighbors were out mowing at the same time. Was I trying to keep my yard looking as good as theirs, or were they trying to keep their yards looking as good as mine? The neighbor who is on vacation needs to have his yard mowed.
Dave had to work OT yesterday, I picked him up about 5:00pm, he worked 11 hours. They use to pay OT for hours worked past the days schedule, now as I understand it, they pay OT for anything over 40 hours in a week. So, if you work more than the scheduled hours for three days and then mis a day, you get no OT pay. I can see how it would be irritating to work more than scheduled hours and not being sure you will get extra pay.
I did get some more black berries yesterday; I think a couple days of sunshine will increase the number of black berries harvested.
Well, that is it for today’s rant. I hope your day is surprisingly comfortable, and as usual be safe.
Contractor is starting.
Senior person who can stay inside and watch the contractor work, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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