Hello to you, my favorite person to read this posting. You are the one and only who reads what I write, and actually enjoys what you read. I did think that you might have made a comment about the umbrella photo being taken in the house, because I did not want to get it wet in the rain, but you let this ole person down by not commenting.
In past articles I have noted how the government wants to save water by dictating outhouses instead of inside toilets, and removal of all bathtubs allowing for one 2-minute shower every 24 hours. As I understand it, many of you are in favor of one or both of those programs, as they will save water and help the green horn group to stay in power.
I have learned of another program that your president and green horn group have came up with. It is said that this program will be initiated by the end of this year. This proposed program will, “Due away with all paper items used for mucus discharge (aka blowing your nose) like Kleenex and Puffs”.
Your president and the green horn group want everyone to use handkerchief’s. As we understand it, the average handkerchief can be use and washed more than 200 times before replacement is required. Also, it is suggested that the handkerchief does not need to be washed after each use. It is recommended that the handkerchief be used a minimum of 15 times before washing. During testing, one handkerchief was used 24 times before washing, this person had allergies really bad, and he simply would let it dry after use, then shake it several times, and it would be ready for re-use!
There is also another program that has been going on for quite a while, and it is to do away with all paper used for writing and printing. This would mean no more newspapers, and no more paper advertisements. Everyone has a phone or a computer so paper items like mail are no longer necessary. Kids in school don’t know how to write on paper now, so they are already paperless. It is said that a paperless united states will occur in 2026.
You don’t believe me? Wait and see, if I am right!
Topic swap: yesterday was a do-nothing day here at the Ford Homestead. We mostly sat around complaining that there was nothing to do. I did in the afternoon venture out into the wet back 40, in an effort to review the berry beds. I was able to collect a hand full of black berries while avoiding the standing water, photo to follow.
Collecting those berries means that I will need to daily check the berry beds and carry a container with me.
Different subject: the contractor is supposed to be here this morning to start the new carport. It is not raining this morning and it is predicted to not rain until this afternoon. I need to get the Ford’s ole Chevy out of the driveway and get my first wife’s van out of the garage before he arrives. Maybe I will take a photo of the drive before and after the car port arrives.
Well, I need to get going, we hope you have a good day filled with much kindness, and as always please stay safe.
Berry picker
Senior ole person who needs to mow the front yard but… Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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