
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

May 23, 2023

            What has the Don been doing this morning? He has been looking at videos from security cameras from a couple nights ago. A friend suggested I might want to see what happen on the street in front of his house. Let’s see if I can make this short.

            A vehicle stopped in front of the next-door neighbor’s house at 10:40pm, a person got out and took a bag to the front door, possibly a food order. That person left without the bag.

            Two minutes later a dog came down the street, there was a man with a flash light walking a little way behind the dog.

            Two police cars arrived, they talked with the man, the dog came into our yard smelling everything, a police officer followed the dog and actually got close to the dog in our yard.

            The man walking with the flash light walked back up the street, the two police vehicles left the scene.

            Different subject: the contractor Ken got the car port finished yesterday, photo to follow.


            It sprinkled a little this morning about 4:00am, and the Ford’s ole Chevy did not get washed.

            Lawn topic: I hope to get the front yard mowed this morning, as they are calling for rain possibly tonight. I also need to water the flower pots. My favorite wife was on the ground pulling weeds most of the day yesterday, she wants us to put some fertilizer out today.

I have an odd schedule today; Gabi gets out of school at 12:35pm (aka half a day) but Alex gets out at the normal time 4:00pm, normal time. We have no idea when Dave will get off work.

Different topic: as I was in the throne room this morning a word came to mind. Now I do not often have words pop into my ole head, so I thought about this word, “Elasticity”. Now I bet you think you know what elastic is, well you would need to stretch your understanding of the word if you looked it up. There is more than one meaning of the word “elastic”.

Well, I need to get started or I will never get done, we hope you have a good day filled with love and kindness, please stay safe.

Stretching it?  Maybe.

Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Don, the carport looks great!