
Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

            Ask and you shall receive. Now I know I have heard that in the past, and I believe I have read it somewhere. I could ask my mom or dad for something, and if it did not cost anything, I had a chance of getting what I had asked for.

            I assume that one person is now thinking, “The Don has lost his mind, making the above comment”. Nope, The Don has not lost, he has gotten what he asked for, and it did not cost him or his favorite wife anything. The Don has commented several times in the past, “we need to have some of those ole Missouri type rains here in Texas”. Well, I think that is what we were having yesterday, a Missouri type rain. It started around 3:00 that morning and all morning it had been lite rain, off and on. The back 40 has some nice water standing in it, and the front yard does also. Let us hope this Missouri type rain continues all day, and then a little later in the week we would like another. Oh, I just asked for it again, and we will get it. 

            As I sat here on the Ford’s ole chair, at the Ford’s ole desk, looking at the Ford’s ole security cameras screens, enjoying the Missouri type rain, I saw a cat on the Ford’s ole front porch. I naturally assumed this cat was attempting to get out of the rain. I have no idea whose cat it is, but we occasionally see him or her around the neighborhood. Some cat, probably this same cat, sleeps on one of the chairs on the front porch. We know this due to the hair the cat leaves in the chair.

            The rain let up at some point in the day, but it was drizzling a little about 5:30 yesterday afternoon. According to the, “donated rain gage”, we received a half inch of rain yesterday.

            Photo time: I have two photos of flowers that the Missouri rain has helped.

           The little yellow fellow seems to be hiding behind a cement angel. 

            I do know where the comment, “Ask and you shall receivecomes from. I am silly grandpa, not crazy grandpa, at least not yet.

            We hope you have a good day even though you have read this posting. Please stay safe and enjoy the cool weather. We might get more rain Tuesday and Wednesday.

More to come!       Rain that is.

Senior ole person who needs a cup, even if it is homemade, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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