
Monday, April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

            Ghost or not, that is the question. I was setting outside on the front porch enjoying a cup of homemade coffee and a cookie, yes, my favorite wife allows me to have a cookie at least once a week. I was noticing that the neighborhood was quiet, by quiet I mean I was the only person that was outside enjoying a sweet treat.

            From the neighbor’s yard came what appeared to be an empty plastic bag. Now this empty plastic bag appeared to be filled with air, but it was not shut, it was wide open. Yes, the wind was blowing, but how did the plastic bag stay filled with air, and basically rolling and bouncing like a balloon, from the neighbor’s yard, into our yard.

            I watched as it was rolling through the grass in our yard, but when it got to the walkway it made a right turn, went down the walkway about 10 feet, to the street. Once in the street, it turned again and started down the street.

For some reason I lost sight of the bag, later I learned that it stopped before it got to the other neighbor’s driveway, it must have deflated. I sat there, coffee in hand, with the cookie in my belly, wondering if the bag was controlled by a spirit (aka a ghost) or was it just a plastic bag that did unusual things? 

Possibly 5 or 10 minutes went by and I again saw the ghost bag (as it is now known) going down the street. Interesting neighborhood!

Topic swap: I was again sitting on the front porch, when I observed a white rabbit sitting in the neighbor’s flower bed down the street. Now I assume that we all have seen these cement animals that people placed in flower beds. Well as I considered this white rabbit I thought, “why don’t people paint these cement animals, so they look like real animals in the flower bed”. Then I thought, if they painted the cement animals, they would be more difficult to see, as their natural color more or less helps hide wild animals.

I again looked at the white counterfeit, when it hopped out of the flower bed, and went around the end of their house. That is the first time I have ever seen a cement rabbit hop around. Odd things happen in the view of ole people.    

Topic swap; Sunday I had been allowed to go out in the back 40, and front yard to water flowers, which my present spouse had planted. I also watered the berry beds. As I was watering the plants, I noticed that both neighbors’ yards on either side of us, had been mowed, and they looked better than our yard. I decided to get the gas-powered weed eater and trim all around the back 40.

 Now I felt as if I had strained something in my lower left side close to my hip. I think I strained something on Friday when I was planting a rose bush, I did get down on my knees and then back up several times. Going and helping Dave haul the tree limbs away on Saturday did nothing to help the strain, and now it was Sunday and I was using the string trimmer while still hurting.

I got the entire back 40 trimmed, and that was not easy, then I went to the front yard and trimmed a small area. Trimming completed I then decided to mow the back 40 which meant removing items that were laying around, and then checking and adding air to the tires on the riding mower. The mowing seemed to go well, and when I was finished, I noticed I had missed a spot about 20 X 30 feet. I had already put the riding mower away, so I got the walk behind and mowed that spot. 

Topic change: I have a photo that was taken of the moon in the dark, which I will attempt to post.

            I wish it would have been clearer, I like the moon between the trees.

            Last topic: my favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday afternoon for about an hour on the Ford’s ole swing. I was hurting when I sat down on the swing, so I prayed for relief of the pain. An hour later when I got up from the swing, the pain was gone. You don’t have to believe me, but I believe!

            Well, I think that is it for today, we hope you have a good day filled with love and kindness, please stay safe.

Don the yard man

Senior ole person who isn’t hurting today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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