
Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 13, 2023

            It is Thursday the 13th, is Thursday the 13th as weird as Friday the 13th? I just thought I would ask, and you have not responded. Wow, I sit here all alone typing data into the Ford’s ole computer and no one will respond to my questions or thoughts. Wait a minute, I am glad you have not responded, some of those responses can be negative and hurtful to an ole senior person.

            I have started this day out as usual; Tres did get the so-called newspaper from out front; I did get a burrito and a cup of coffee before sitting down at the ole computer, yes that means I have been out and about early this morning. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise! Evidently, I aint a man, cause I aint wealthy or wise.

            Speaking of wise, yesterday I was attempting to do my bible study homework when it wanted me to pick out some pronouns, from several verses, and write them in the homework book. That is when I said enough is enough. Heck I just verily know what a noun is, and now they expect me to know what a pronoun is. I gave up, put the book down and walked away. What does a pronoun have to do with the destruction of a nation in the ole testament?

            Yesterday was kind of a do-nothing day, I did water some flowers out front and since Alex has done all the yard work, there was little for me to do. I did get some extra reading time with the bible; I have been reading Psalms and I wanted to get done so I could start reading other parts of the bible. I do find some parts more interesting than others. This reading is for my own personal gratification, not having anything to do with the bible study. The bible study class to me, and I am not a good student, seems to be very repetitive.  

            Topic swap; I have a couple things I need to do today, go to the teller machine and get out $5.00 stipend, get some shirts from the cleaners, call the vet, did up a couple dead plants, help my favorite wife re-pot a couple plants, then reposition a couple plants, eat lunch, take a nap, get Alex and Dave and bring them to their home.

            Another topic: My first wife and I were sitting out yesterday afternoon when neighbors from across the street came over. We always enjoy lively conversations with friends. These friends are getting some concrete work done, and they are remodeling their kitchen. It must be nice to have enough money to do nice things.

            Well, I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have an outstanding day, filled with love and kindness, please be safe.

Nouns and pronouns?

Senior ole person who never went to kindergarten, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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