
Friday, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

            Well, it is Friday again and I again have nothing to provide to you, my favorite reader of this blog, that would be interesting. Heck, I don’t think I did anything yesterday, if I did, I can’t remember what I did. Ole retired people on a fixed income don’t have anything to remember, they just sit or lay around all day doing nothing.

            As an example, would you believe I have no memory of going outside and digging up three ole dead rose bush stubs, and roots, from the front flower bed. I don’t remember that two of them had a tree starting to grow in them, so there were extra roots and digging. Heck I probably had to get the small hand ax to chop some of those roots out of the ground. I might have had a plastic bag which had previously had topsoil in it, that I put the chopped roots in.

            Who knows I might have used the topsoil that was previously in that bag, to cover a plastic pipe that provides water for one of the sprinklers. This pipe may have been beside the walkway.

            I might have watered some of the plants in the back 40 while my present wife was transferring a flower from one pot into another pot. Did I help with that transfer due to the pot and flower being very large, I might have, who knows? Do I need to water the berry beds today, probably, there might be a bunch of green berries on the vines, and if so, they might like a drink.

            Heck, we might have even washed the dog yesterday, I know he needed it, and he does smell better now. Speaking of the dog, I might have taken a photo yesterday evening when I was closing the window blinds, if I did I will post it for your enlightenment.

            The photo was taken in the bedroom we refer to as the kid's bedroom. There are two beds, but we can only see one in the photo. You may have noticed that Tres is on the bed looking at me and Molly is sitting on the table kind of looking at Tres.

            If I had been outside yesterday, I may have been made aware that we seem to have baby birds in all the bird houses, due to the little bird sounds coming from the houses when one walks by. I guess having babies this time of year is normal, but it seems a little early to me.

            Heck, I might have gotten my cleaning from the cleaners yesterday, I might have gone to the teller machine, and my favorite wife and I might have gone out to supper yesterday, if ole people could just remember.

            It was a nice day yesterday, so my first wife and I probably sat outside for an hour or so after getting home from the restaurant.

            All in all, we might have had a good day, if we could just remember!

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a nice day with lots of friends and family, please stay safe.

Who did what?

Senior ole retired person who might have done something yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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