
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 11, 2023

            Wow, which was better, yesterday or yesternight? Now before we get into the meat of this subject, did you even notice the word, “Yesternight”? I typed the word yesternight into the computer and spell check did not say I was wrong. I had assumed that it was not a recognized word, and that I was being a smartie pants providing a new word, when I learned, it is an accepted word. I even went to the cell phone and it verified the word. Wow, even ole people can learn things.

            Back to the meat of the subject, “which was better, yesterday or yesternight”. Please allow me to begin with yesterday. Our yard man Alex and I, did get a cup of coffee for me, and something with a fancy name for him, at the Star coffee place before we begin the yard work.

            Arriving at home refreshed due to the beverages, he got started. Our yard man got the walk behind mower from the shed and began mowing the front yard. completing that portion of the task he then, using the gas-powered string trimmer, began trimming the front yard. I did offer a couple tips as to how I use the trimmer, and Alex, the yard man, did an outstanding job considering it was his first-time trimming.

            We did take a short break for lunch, you know, left over from Sunday’s meal. Lunch completed we went back outside and headed for the back 40. Alex the yard man took the walk behind mower and mowed a few places that are difficult or impossible to get to with the riding mower, while I picked up debris and Poopa-Loopa from the yard. That completed, Alex got the riding mower out and checked the tire air pressure, checked the oil, and filled it with gas.

            Everything mowed, Alex and I discussed the back 40 and we decided that next time we would get the string trimmer and trim, rather than using the walk behind mower.  Alex did a real good job.

            Now let’s get into yesternight. Yesterevening I drove out to the church where we have the bible study class. The class was interesting, and yes, I did get to participate. My comment about yesternight have to do with sleeping. Now I am a light sleeper, I wake up several times and roll over a bunch of times each night. Last night was different, I went to bed a little after 9:00 and I woke up at 4:30 this morning. I sat up on the side of the bed and looked at the clock, I could not believe it was 4:30. I did go to the little boy’s room to relieve some pent-up pressures and then returned to the ole bed.

            Now I usually get up at 5:00, so I had almost another 30 minutes of bed time. I got back into bed and made myself very comfortable. The next thing I knew it was about 5:45. The point to all this is, I haven’t had that good of a night’s sleep since I don’t know when.

            Alex must have work really hard to make me that sleepy!

            I guess that is all for now, I have zero plans for today, we hope you have some good plans, stay safe and as always be nice to someone.

Great sleep

Senior ole person who might make a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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