
Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6, 2023

            Good morning to you and you only, the rest of those readers are kind of low on my list, so I only say hi to them.

            What has happened so for today, and what may take place?

            Gabi and Alex stayed the night here last night, so we had to wake them up to get ready for school. We asked them to get up and get dressed as I was going to get burritos. We all ate the burritos and they continued to get ready for school. We then decided to go to the Star coffee place. Yep, we did go to the star coffee place and each of us got a drink, after which we returned home.

            Later we again crawled into the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed for school where we dropped the Alex off first and then the Gabi. I made it back home and am writing this document.

            My plan for the day is to open the shed, move a bunch of items out of the shed, take all the cartons and totes which are filled with decorations, which are in the garage, and move them to the shed. I hopefully will be able to properly place said items, then hopefully have the ability to bring the other items (Time-Based) into the shed.

            Before anyone asks, time-based means, the items will be place in the order which they will be needed, to be removed from the shed. Christmas to the back, Fall items in front of the Christmas, and Easter in front of Fall. Easier access for the ole senior person.

            Well, I hope I get all that done today, and we will be able to park my present wife’s van back in the garage.

            Topic swap: I was allowed to sweep an area of the floor and when I was removing the sweepings, I found a penny heads up, I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

Back over half a century ago, when my favorite wife and I were first married, any time we would find a penny heads up, it would bring us good luck. Now you can look at that anyway you want, but finding the penny helped us to be positive about what we needed, or wanted, and we had lots of good luck!

Recently my first wife had lost her favorite sunglasses, they were gone for a couple weeks. Well, after finding the penny I was lucky enough to find the lost sun glasses! Look at it how ever you want, the penny seems to have brought me luck!

            We hope you have plans for your day, be safe and happy.

Lucky penny!

Senior retired person who found the penny heads up and the glasses, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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