Well, we have made it to Thursday and even though it is freezing outside, we are still kind of warm inside the homestead. My main plan for today is to stay inside and try to stay warm. Past that, I do need to get my hair cut today and, I need to go to the teller machine and get our $5.00 stipend. Yep, I need some funding for the hair cut an I have an appointment with the dentist on Monday, and the surgeon on Tuesday.
Usually, the dentist is paid for by the Medicare, so that probably will not cost me any out of pocket money, but going to the skin doctor and letting her cut on me will cost me $25.00. the last time she cut on me there was a 2-inch cut on the side of my face and after she removed the stitches there was no scar. I assume that is what will happen this time. Last time it took a couple hours for the surgery, reviewing, and the sowing me back together.
The big problem for me with this type of surgery is keeping a bandage on for a week, especially when I am sleeping. It is difficult to get tape to stay on a face that is growing hair, aka beard. Now we know why I need to get my hair cut this week, I don’t want to go to the hair person with tape and bandages on my face.
Swap topics; I left the homestead yesterday at 2:30 to get Dave from work. After I dropped him off at his home I went to Alex’s school and got in line to wait on him. Alex gets out of school at 3:55 and it takes a couple minutes for him to get to the Ford’s ole Chevy, then we head over to the high school to get Gabi, she gets out at 4:00.
Since they have opened Mars drive on the east end, the traffic at, and around school has been much better, aka less wait time in line at school and faster exiting school property.
Yesterday Alex and I arrived quickly and found a parking space, we tried to call Gabi several times and no answer, we assume her phone was off. When Gabi and her boy friend came to the vehicle, we had waited about 15 minutes. I guess they were talking with friends.
Now the point in me telling you the above, by the time I dropped the kids off at their homes and then made my way back to my home, it was 4:30pm. I had been sitting in the Fords ole Chevy for 2 hours. When a person who is ¾ of a century old sits that long, their ole body get stiff. I like getting the kids but I don’t like sitting that long.
Well, I guess I should stop writing and get a cup of homemade coffee. We hope you have a good and safe day, filled with kindness to you, and from you.
Inside warm outside cold!
Senior ole person who is not an admirer of cold weather, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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