
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

January 24, 2023

                                                It’s raining!

            Now that it is raining, I guess we can assume (ass/u/me) the rain gage is not jinxed. I am in hopes that later today we may be able to see how much rain we receive. Everyone knows I can’t go outside while it is raining, if I did, I would melt, because I am as sweet as sugar.

            This topic is about the olden days: if you have knowledge of the subject I am attempting to present, then you are probably old! Yes, it is also possible that one of you are not old, and some one like me has informed you of this in the past, but I am not buying that! You are old!

            Wow, I am sitting here in the Fords ole office and I have the TV on and all of a sudden the rain was coming down hard enough I could hear it, NICE!

            Ok, back to the olden day story. In days past, TVs and Radios were big, and were considered as furniture. These furniture items were made of wood and took up space in the house, unlike the TVs of today that stick to a wall like a picture in a frame. As I consider this topic, does anyone have a radio other than the one in your vehicle? Ok, I know what that one person is saying, he can use his cell phone as a radio.

            Anyway, when this story took place we lived on Big Bend Road just inside the city limits of Cape Girardeau. We had a big wooden TV and it had stopped working. Now my dad was a repairman at a cement plant, he repaired big machines, not TVs. Dad knew that the TV had tubes in side it that made it work, so he took the back off the TV and turned the TV on. Looking at each tube, he found one that did not light up. He then pulled the tube out of the TV and we got into the Ford’s ole Comet (the comet was a car) and went into town.

            Now this is where I find this story a little more interesting, we went to what we call the drug store, it was located on the corner of Sprigg street and Broadway. Well, we went inside and they had tubes for sell. They had a device that you could put your ole tube in to verify that it did not work. After verification, dad found the tube we needed, paid for it, and we returned home.

            Back at home Dad installed the tube, put the back on the TV and turned it on. It worked! Unlike today, a person could make minor repairs to a TV or a Radio by replacing a tube. 

            Ok, back to the future, or I mean back to now: we are still getting the needed rain, and we could possibly get as much as an inch.

            I did very little yesterday, I did get the kids from school and I did a little more work on the walking stick, I need to look it over again, but I think I have completed that project.

            I assume that there will be little work done by me today, the rain will keep me inside the homestead. We hope you have a good day, be safe and take several naps.

not jinxed

Senior retired person who is happy it is raining, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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