
Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 4, 2022

            Well, I don't have a lot to write about this morning. Today is Thursday and we are not supposed to water outside today. I hope we are allowed to put water in the dog's water bucket and in the bird baths, we don't want them to go without water.

            In yesterday's post I wrote about where I lived the first few years of my life, and of the church we attended. I have a photo taken from an airplane showing part of Smelter Ville. This photo is mostly for anyone who lives in Cape Girardeau, and who knows about Smelter Ville. The yellow arrow points at the house we lived in, the other arrow points at the Church. You might notice that the area is being flooded, the Mississippi river is off to the right of the photo.


            Subject alteration: I am eating a bowl of cereal, and it is not sweet at all. There are a few raisins, and they are sweet, but the flakes are not exciting. Before you ask, we are retired and on a fixed income and can't afford to have a burrito every morning!

            Tres and I did get to take our walk before sunup this morning, actually the sun was coming up when we returned to the homestead.

            Subject change: Ole people's minds work differently than real people and I will prove that with the following. Have you ever considered how many words end with "ell"? I have a few and you are welcome to think about others. Spell, smell, shell, swell, well, hell, fell, dell…

            I think when ole people are sitting around with nothing to do, they often ponder thoughts like, what does this word really mean? You will be allowed to take 5 minutes and think of any word.                      Was that interesting?

            Another subject: I believe they just test fired another rocket, if not there was an earthquake. I haven't been aware of rocket test firing lately, so this one caught my attention. It was about a 15 second test fire. The rocket facility is about 10 miles from our house, I wonder what it is like for those people who live near the test site, it must be super loud and ground shaking.

            Well, it is time for a homemade cup of coffee, we hope your day is productive and safe!

Noisy rocket test fire!

Senior ole person with a project that he doesn't want to do, it requires work, Don the Ford

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