It was 7:22am on a dark August morning, the temperature was a cool 70 degrees, the humidity was almost 80%, as the Don and the Tres walked out of the Ford's Homestead. The extreme humidity caused the cool temperature to be less than comfortable.
The Tres noted that the neighborhood was unusually quiet on this dark morning. The Don agreed, as he was reaching for his heavy-duty walking stick. The heavy-duty walking stick has a couple purposes, one to help ole people be stable during the long strenuous walk, and also it can be used as a weapon, aka a club, if one is assaulted by a four-legged animal or possibly a two-legged animal.
The Tres and The Don headed north in the 400 block, hoping that they would have a safe walk in this extreme darkness. The Don did have his flashlight in his hand, and he was ready to use it. This light is ultra-bright and if shined in someone's eyes, it would likely distract then long enough to either move away or begin to defend oneself. I should also note, this flashlight is heavy metal, it has some edges that if you were to hit someone with the light, it would definitely cause injury.
Well, we made it to the end of the 400 block where we turned and then headed south in the 400 block. About halfway through this block we noticed something that seemed to be sneaking along the curb on the other side of the street. I then activated the flashlight and we saw the sneaker; it was Molly the cat. Yes, she still has a tendency to follow us when we walk. As we approached her, she turned and as usual, ran back toward the homestead.
We arrived at the corner of the 300 block where The Tres checked out the fire hydrant. Proceeding on south in the 300 block we noticed a person walking north in the 300 block, this person was a female, and she was on the other side of the street. As we approached, I called out, "good morning", to which she responded with, "good morning". I said, "You need a flashlight this morning", to which she responded with, "I have been using my watch". Our interaction stopped as we passed, and we continued walking south in the 300 block.
Arriving at the end of the 300 block, we usually continue on into the 200 block, but this morning The Tres decided to turn around, and go north in the 300 block. We were heading for home. We were about mid-way of the 300 block when I observed a female subject sitting in the dark, on her front porch. I have seen this ole lady sitting there before so I called out, "good morning". She did not respond. Now I began to wonder, was she afraid to say good morning, did she not hear me (hard of hearing) or was she one of those non-polite people.
Continuing on, we were able to find our way back to the Ford homestead, a short but safe walk.
The end
Yesterday: I pulled four, 5-gallon buckets of weeds, sunflower stump, and berry vines, from the #2 berry bed. I can now walk on both sides of the berry vines that are still there. I am not done, but it looks better.
We got a nice rain yesterday. The Waco airport reported .81 of an inch, we receive 1.75-inch, photo to follow.
We are happy with the rain; we are also happy that we did not get the flooding!
Well, that is it for now, have a nice and safe day!
Too wet to work! 😊
Not too wet to eat cherry cheesecake and take a nap, Don the Ford
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