It rained a little yesterday, we got ¼ inch of rain here at the homestead.
Sermon for the day!
There was a report on TV showing something that looked kind of like a small version of Stonehenge. These rock formations were from several thousand years ago, and I think they were in Europe somewhere.
The fact that we are able to see them is due to a drought that has reduced the water in this lake to only 27%. The reporter was talking about climate change causing the severe water shortage in that area, but that climate change had made it possible for anyone to see this site from ancient times.
Now I believe this reporter was promoting the fact that our climate is changing, and most likely that we the people need to do something about it. I wonder if he considered, the climate must have been at least as dry, when the stone-aged people built the site, thousands of years ago.
I am not sure, but I doubt that the human population had anything to do with the ice age of the past, and how much water had been removed from the lakes and oceans during those times. And over the millions of years that the earth has been here, how many climate changes has there been.
Now don’t get me wrong, I believe people are part of the problem here on earth, and I think we should ALL do what we can, to improve conditions. I hope you noticed the word ALL, that means all around the world not just one or two nations trying to make improvements.
I also think good judgement should be put into play, meaning that so-called leaders should try to come up with plans that are both possible and timely, you know, something that the common person can understand, and get in line with. They should find a way to get normal people, you and I, to buy into any change, get us involved, not make us mad due to their edicts!
You are correct, that is enough of my sermon for today!
Allow me to con you. I have a couple photos of cons on our trees, not sure if there is anything inside the cons. If you look close at the first photo, you will see several cons.
Topic change: It was sprinkling rain yesterday; I was out in the rain and Molly the cat was in the garage. She started out to me to get some back rubbing. There were a few drops of rain that fell on Molly, and she turned and ran back into the garage. Cats don’t like rain!
My favorite wife and I sat outside during the rain yesterday afternoon, yes, we were on the back patio. The rain makes noise when it hits the metal roof, I thought the slow easy rain was like one of those ole Missouri rains, they last a long time and make all the plants happy.
This morning Tres and I went for a short walk while it was still dark. There was some mist in the air when we started and at one point the mist became sprinkles of rain. We cut the walk short and headed for home.
During the walk we encountered the same female person we had seen a few days ago. We now understand what she had told us before, that she used her watch as a light while walking. Her watch did have a glow to it, but it wasn’t lighting up anything, I believe she still needs a flashlight.
Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you stay safe and productive all day.
More rain, yes please!
Senior dog walker who will not be watering any plants today, Don the Ford