
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 31, 2022

            It rained a little yesterday, we got ¼ inch of rain here at the homestead.

            Sermon for the day!

            There was a report on TV showing something that looked kind of like a small version of Stonehenge. These rock formations were from several thousand years ago, and I think they were in Europe somewhere.

The fact that we are able to see them is due to a drought that has reduced the water in this lake to only 27%. The reporter was talking about climate change causing the severe water shortage in that area, but that climate change had made it possible for anyone to see this site from ancient times.

Now I believe this reporter was promoting the fact that our climate is changing, and most likely that we the people need to do something about it. I wonder if he considered, the climate must have been at least as dry, when the stone-aged people built the site, thousands of years ago.

I am not sure, but I doubt that the human population had anything to do with the ice age of the past, and how much water had been removed from the lakes and oceans during those times. And over the millions of years that the earth has been here, how many climate changes has there been.

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe people are part of the problem here on earth, and I think we should ALL do what we can, to improve conditions. I hope you noticed the word ALL, that means all around the world not just one or two nations trying to make improvements. 

I also think good judgement should be put into play, meaning that so-called leaders should try to come up with plans that are both possible and timely, you know, something that the common person can understand, and get in line with. They should find a way to get normal people, you and I, to buy into any change, get us involved, not make us mad due to their edicts!


You are correct, that is enough of my sermon for today!  


            Allow me to con you. I have a couple photos of cons on our trees, not sure if there is anything inside the cons. If you look close at the first photo, you will see several cons.


            Topic change: It was sprinkling rain yesterday; I was out in the rain and Molly the cat was in the garage. She started out to me to get some back rubbing. There were a few drops of rain that fell on Molly, and she turned and ran back into the garage. Cats don’t like rain!

            My favorite wife and I sat outside during the rain yesterday afternoon, yes, we were on the back patio. The rain makes noise when it hits the metal roof, I thought the slow easy rain was like one of those ole Missouri rains, they last a long time and make all the plants happy.

            This morning Tres and I went for a short walk while it was still dark. There was some mist in the air when we started and at one point the mist became sprinkles of rain. We cut the walk short and headed for home.

            During the walk we encountered the same female person we had seen a few days ago. We now understand what she had told us before, that she used her watch as a light while walking. Her watch did have a glow to it, but it wasn’t lighting up anything, I believe she still needs a flashlight.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you stay safe and productive all day.

More rain, yes please!

Senior dog walker who will not be watering any plants today, Don the Ford

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 30, 2022

            Well, we did not do a lot yesterday, we did visit with a couple neighbors, one due to a birthday and the other due to a death in the family. I think we consider most of our neighbors as family.

I did get the grandkids from school yesterday afternoon, and we made it to their home safely. Speaking of kids, Alex has a football scrimmage today after school. I think I was told the game would be at 4:00pm. If it starts at 4:00 I don't know how anyone will be able to get to the practice field due to the traffic at the school picking up kids. I guess I should have faith, all things are possible if you believe, so, we will be able to get there!

It is said that we should get some rain today, and they are predicting a lot of rain about the same time Alex and the football team should be in scrimmage.


Unhappy senior person: yes, I was an unhappy senior person this morning. I went to the Star coffee place, there was only a couple cars in line, and they went through quickly, that is except for the one female person in the vehicle in front of me.

I was so happy arriving at the Star coffee place, the line was very short, possibly 4 vehicles in line when I arrived, I would be through this line and on my way home very quickly, at least that was my thought. The female person in front of me was placing her order, at least she was communicating with the intercom person. I can't be sure, but the time it took for this female person to place her order was between 3 to 4 minutes. I thought, she must be placing an order for the entire office. Finally, she pulled forward, I pulled up and ordered a cup of coffee, then I pulled around and she was at the window and I was once again behind the female person.

I watched as they began handing her order to her. The first small cup of coffee, then another small cup, then a third small cup, then there was some discussion between the Star coffee employee and this female person. Three cups and it took that long! 😐

Our sprinklers ran this morning, and we are supposed to get rain today and possibly for the next couple days. The rain is welcome, the mowing and weed pulling that follows is not welcome.

I don't have any photos today, I used them all yesterday.

Hope your day is full of goodness.

Happy rainy day!

Senior ole person who needs the rain but not the work, Don the Ford

Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022

            We are back to Monday and back on a schedule. My schedule isn't much, I will get the grand kids from schools this afternoon, and I will likely attempt to get a cup from the star coffee place this morning, if there isn't too many in line.

            Since today schedule is not very interesting, let's see some photos from yesterday.

             In the first photo we see a sunflower, yep it seems to be a miniature.

The second photo is of a Moon Plant, it was leaning toward the sun, so I turned it around, away from the sun, to see if it will begin to turn itself toward the sun again.

Photo number 3, there is a small hole on the bench next to the blue vise, I saw a wasp go into the hole, I wonder if there is a cave inside the board. Before you ask, I did look under the board and there is no hole on the underside.

Photo 4 is the other half of the Ford's dog washing group. My favorite wife and I washed the Tres yesterday and now he smells better.

Number 5, is of a cloud we observed yesterday afternoon while sitting outside, hoping we would get wet from rain, and not from sweat. It did not rain, it was sweat!  

We did get some of the fall decorations out of the shed yesterday, and my first wife seemed to work with them all day. She is still looking for some fall decorations which we are not sure where they were stored.

We have a chance for rain today, and a better chance tomorrow! 😊

I just got a cup of homemade coffee, so my day is off to a good start.

May your schedule be fun!

Senior retired person who needs to water the front flowers, Don the Ford

Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 28, 2022

            Today’s topic could be the word No.

            No burrito today.

            No walk with the Tres.

            No early morning naps.

            No photos for the blog.

            No, I will not eat, without a treat, Tres said this morning. He wants a treat put in the bowl with his regular food. 

            I did not say No to going to the shed and attempting to locate fall decorations. We will need to do this early morning, you know, before the shed gets too hot for ole people.

            I did not say No to putting sweet liquid in the hummingbird feeders today. We have three feeders and they are all empty, but the birds keep coming around wanting a drink.

            No rest for ole senior retired people!

            No, I will not create a long posting like I did yesterday.

No is the word!

No doesn’t usually work for this ole senior retired person, Don the Ford

Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27, 2022

            Did you miss me? What do I mean when I ask if you missed me? I mean, I did not post anything yesterday, and you didn’t even miss my post! That is hurtful!

            Well, I don’t care either, so I am going to get a cup of homemade coffee!

           Ok, I am back at the keyboard now, coffee sitting there on the desk. The rest of today’s post is for everyone but you, you can stop reading now.

            For the enlightened reading public, except for that one person, I will attempt to impart my actions from yesterday. Yesterday I mowed the yards, it was a lot of work. Thanks for reading.

            What, you want more details about the day, why would you want more details, I just explained that I mowed the yards, that is a plural, indicating that I mowed both yards. What? Why didn’t I make a posting yesterday, I had too much to do. Ok let me educate you with a slightly more detailed account of yesterday.

            Early in the morning I had decided to get out and trim all the areas in the front yard and the back 40, as the recent rain has caused a lot of growth. Tres and I had gone for a walk, we walked a little later than usual, and returning from that walk I took my favorite wife’s van to get gas. Now I was not considering that all the grandparents were out taking their grand kids to school, the traffic was crazy.

            I was able to get to a gas pump and filled the Ford’s ole minivan with gas. Yes, I will tell you the price $45.82. What, you want to know the price per gallon, ok, $3.10.

            Since I was out and about, I thought I would go by the Star coffee place to procure a cup. The cars were parked all the way around the building, heck I couldn’t even get onto the parking lot, so with tears dripping from my eyes I headed for the bank teller machine. Yes, I needed to get our $5.00 stipends so my first wife and I could enjoy the week, somewhat like you real people do.

            Now the traffic was crazy, as I have previously stated, and I wondered if I could turn across traffic on Chapel Road which was coming from an area that has a school and a lot of houses. I turned the corner and traffic was backed up as far as I could see, but that was only part of the problem, there was something going on at the teller machine. There was a trailer, a big white screen and a lot of lighting, in front of the teller machine. I could not see as much as I wanted due to all the traffic, but it seemed as if they were taking photos or making a video.

            No stipends for us, another failure, my eyes were dripping more tears now, I headed for home. As I was driving, I thought, should I get a burrito or not, I would need to get back in the school traffic again. Not using good judgement, I headed for the burrito place, they were not wrapped around the building but there were several cars ahead of me. After a long wait I did get a burrito and headed for home. 

            Once I was home, I quickly eat my burrito and went outside to get to work. Using the gas weed eater I trimmed the back 40 which took a while as this is the first time it had been trimmed in several weeks. That finished, I moved to the front yard, where I got a cup of coffee and a cookie, and I sat down for about a 15-minute break.

            Break time over, I began trimming the front yard. I had it in mind that I might get the Alex to come over Saturday and do the mowing. When I finished the trimming, I decided to mow the front yard myself, as it was very tall, and I might want to go over it twice. I mowed the yard and when finished with the first cutting, I reviewed my work. It looked good, even if I had to say so myself, I did not mow twice. 

            It was now time for lunch, and a short 15-minute nap.

            Returning to the mowing, I went out back and brought the riding mower into a shady spot, as I need to check the air in the tires, a couple tires usually need air. Using my small air compressor which is powered by the battery on the riding mower, I began airing the tires, it stopped working and I tossed it in the trash. I was able to air the tires, I have an air compressor in the garage.

            I then began mowing, when I realized I had not gone through the back 40 to pick up sticks and poopa-loopa!

I should note, I needed to get done with all my work in time to get David from work, and I did not know when that would be, and then get the grandkids from school.

            Back 40 picked up I started mowing, I was about 2/3 done when I received a call from Dave saying he was off work. I stopped mowing and drove out to work to get Dave and took him home. I returned to the homestead and began mowing again, I finished the mowing, put the mower and other equipment away, and attempted to get the grass trimmings off my ole body before entering the house.

            I was able to get a shower, and put some clean clothes on, then I headed out to get 3 glasses of tea from the Bush store, one for me and the other two for Alex and Gabi. Then I went to Alex school where I waited, Alex finally got out, and we headed for Gabi's school. You cannot believe the traffic, we finally got to Gabi and headed for home. I did get them home safely and returned to my home.

            My first wife and I sat outside with a well-deserved cold drink in hand. I have a photo of a cloud that I found interesting.

            Now you see, nothing special for me yesterday. Hope your day is easy, fun, and safe!

Plan your work! 

Work your plan!

Senior recovering ole person from all the work yesterday, Don the Ford

Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 25, 2022

            I wanted to provide you with some interesting comments from Tres and my walk this morning, but nothing interesting happened. We did see the lady who walks without a flash light, this time she was at the corner where the street light was illuminating all things. We did greet each other with a quick, “Morning”, and we continued walking.

            I did decide to get a burrito after the walk this morning, and since I was out and about, I went to the Star coffee place to get a cup. When I go through the drive through I only order, “A tall cup of coffee with cream”. This morning I place my order, the voice on the intercom asked, “Is this Don”, I replied, “Yes”, then she asked, “Anything else”, I replied “No”. It is odd that they know who I am, (they do ask for names once in a while) maybe it is because I order the same thing each time, that is, unless the grandees are with me, then we order more.

            Topic swap: I have a couple small projects that I may do today, plus watering the flower pots, even though today is a no watering day.

            There is a black berry growing outside the #3 berry patch, I doubt that I can get it with the root system intact, but I will try.

I have one berry plant in a pot that is doing good, and it is for a neighbor. The other berry that was planted in a pot appears to be almost dead. I learned too late that the pot was not draining and too much water is not good.

I need to mow, not sure if I want to do that today or tomorrow. I guess I could get the Alex to come over Saturday and do the mowing.

Different topic: I have a problem with the email on one account on my phone. I don’t seem to be able to get it to work, but the email works on the computer. I like to see them on the phone and read them on the computer.

That is it for today, hope you have a very good day!

Email, #@&*%#!

Senior retired person who isn’t totally happy, but not sad either, Don the Ford

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24, 2022

            What can I say, it rained, things are growing, the yards (front and back) need to be mowed. I wanted the rain; I did not want the work that follows the rain!

            The old and the new Jasmine is looking good. The areas in the old Jasmine where the construction workers crushed it down, is coming back. I also noticed a vine growing in the Jasmine. Now I can see that one of you there in the reading public (Bob) has a comment on my last comment. Bob is wanting to say, "Jasmine are vining plants, and the Don is saying there is a vine growing in the Jasmine"!

            Bob, the vining plant that is growing in the Jasmine has slightly different leaves and it also has blooms. This plant comes back each year and I pull it up each year, photo to follow.

            The photo is taken at the edge of the walkway. We do know what this plant is, and we have others like it that grow in the ditch behind the homestead.

            I picked Alex up at school yesterday and the traffic was crazy. We could not get out of the parking space I was in, due to all the vehicles passing in front of us. Alex suggested I park in a different location today, there wasn't much traffic in the parking area he suggested, and I agreed with him. He will need to walk a little further (a couple hundred feet) to get to my vehicle, which he said he was willing to do.

            Alex is playing 7th grade football this year, and he got a new pair of football shoes yesterday, I think they may be called cleats. I don't know how long it takes to break a pair in.

            Wayne, I did not get a burrito this morning, just thought you should know!

            Our dog Tres may not be feeling too good today. He woke me up three times last night wanting to go outside. Each time he was out for a couple minutes and then ready to come back inside. We did go for a short walk this morning and he seemed ok during the walk.

            During the short walk the Tres and I were surprised by a gang of male subjects running through the neighborhood. We were about 100 feet from and intersection, (the intersection was behind us), when we heard a commotion, it was the sound of a gang of young men running across the street behind us. I was wondering if they had just broken into someone's house, or possibly broken into a car, and were trying to get away before the police arrived. You never know now days; these young people see things on the internet and then they just have to try and do it.

            I guess they might have been high school boys who were exercising for cross country events, whoever they were, they were like a gang, and were running. 

            Well, since I was robbed of my sleep last night, I think I may get in the fords ole recliner and catch up!  

            Hope you have a safe and productive day!

Rain brings work!

Senior ole person who will be mowing later this week, Don the Ford

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

August 23, 2022

            It was 7:22am on a dark August morning, the temperature was a cool 70 degrees, the humidity was almost 80%, as the Don and the Tres walked out of the Ford's Homestead. The extreme humidity caused the cool temperature to be less than comfortable. 

The Tres noted that the neighborhood was unusually quiet on this dark morning. The Don agreed, as he was reaching for his heavy-duty walking stick. The heavy-duty walking stick has a couple purposes, one to help ole people be stable during the long strenuous walk, and also it can be used as a weapon, aka a club, if one is assaulted by a four-legged animal or possibly a two-legged animal.

The Tres and The Don headed north in the 400 block, hoping that they would have a safe walk in this extreme darkness. The Don did have his flashlight in his hand, and he was ready to use it. This light is ultra-bright and if shined in someone's eyes, it would likely distract then long enough to either move away or begin to defend oneself. I should also note, this flashlight is heavy metal, it has some edges that if you were to hit someone with the light, it would definitely cause injury.

Well, we made it to the end of the 400 block where we turned and then headed south in the 400 block. About halfway through this block we noticed something that seemed to be sneaking along the curb on the other side of the street. I then activated the flashlight and we saw the sneaker; it was Molly the cat. Yes, she still has a tendency to follow us when we walk. As we approached her, she turned and as usual, ran back toward the homestead. 

We arrived at the corner of the 300 block where The Tres checked out the fire hydrant. Proceeding on south in the 300 block we noticed a person walking north in the 300 block, this person was a female, and she was on the other side of the street. As we approached, I called out, "good morning", to which she responded with, "good morning". I said, "You need a flashlight this morning", to which she responded with, "I have been using my watch". Our interaction stopped as we passed, and we continued walking south in the 300 block.

Arriving at the end of the 300 block, we usually continue on into the 200 block, but this morning The Tres decided to turn around, and go north in the 300 block. We were heading for home. We were about mid-way of the 300 block when I observed a female subject sitting in the dark, on her front porch. I have seen this ole lady sitting there before so I called out, "good morning". She did not respond. Now I began to wonder, was she afraid to say good morning, did she not hear me (hard of hearing) or was she one of those non-polite people.

Continuing on, we were able to find our way back to the Ford homestead, a short but safe walk.

The end 

            Yesterday: I pulled four, 5-gallon buckets of weeds, sunflower stump, and berry vines, from the #2 berry bed. I can now walk on both sides of the berry vines that are still there. I am not done, but it looks better.

            We got a nice rain yesterday. The Waco airport reported .81 of an inch, we receive 1.75-inch, photo to follow.

           We are happy with the rain; we are also happy that we did not get the flooding!

            Well, that is it for now, have a nice and safe day!

Too wet to work! 😊

Not too wet to eat cherry cheesecake and take a nap, Don the Ford

Monday, August 22, 2022

August 22, 2022

            Well, it finally happened, in fact it happened Sunday morning as we were returning home from the Cracker store. The breakfast was ok, the service kind of slow, and when we left the store, we noticed how hot and steamy it was. On the way home we could see rain off in the distance, and we were hoping it would make it to us. On the way home we could see that the streets were wet, so it must have rained. Just as we pulled up in front of the Ford’s Homestead, we received a few sprinkles on the Ford’s ole Chevy’s windshield. Now you know what finally happened, “I got to try the Ford’s more than two months old windshield wipers, and they worked!” Yes, it was just a sprinkle, and the wipers only when back and forth a couple times, but they work!

            The prognosticators are still saying we will get a bunch of rain today, so I am not watering anything outside this morning. Hay, if we do get a good rain I will be able to save a couple dollars by not running the lawn sprinklers tomorrow.

            Do your neighbors know everything? This morning after the Tres and I went for a walk, I informed my first wife that I was going to get a burrito. My present spouse allowed me to leave the property and she did not tell me to be careful. I was able to secure a cup of coffee from the Star place, and a burrito from the Mexican food place. I returned home with out any accidents, and when I was getting out of the vehicle a neighbor lady, who was walking up the street stopped, looked my way and then asked, “Did you get a burrito?” I responded saying yes, and holding the small sack with the burrito in it up so she could see it, I also held the cup of coffee up.

            So, I am getting out of my car at 7:20am, a neighbor wants to know if I have a burrito. What else do the neighbors know about my daily routines? I thought I was the neighborhood watcher, and it seems like I am not the only watcher!

            Today:  I really do not have any plans, I will attempt to pick up the Alex and possibly Gabi after school this afternoon. They are saying it may be raining at dismissal time, that makes the crazy traffic even worse!

            I have thought about pulling some weeds this morning, as the sun is behind the clouds. I don’t enjoy pulling weeds, especially in the berry beds, as they seem to attack me relentlessly.

            Speaking of the berry beds, there is very little new growth at this time, which we assume is due to the lack of rain. The number three bed is looking better than the others, it gets the same amount of watering, it has fewer weeds to drink up the water, and it has more shade in the afternoon.

            Don’t bug me: I have a photo taken on the back of my time out chair.


            Well, if I am going to do anything, I had better get going. Hope your day is fun and safe!

Black berry thorns hurt!

Senior ole person who don’t need any more holes in his arms, Don the Ford

Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21, 2022

            Today is Sunday, and again I have no real plans. I have decided to not walk the dog today, I should say, Tres is not happy! I did water the plants out back, even though they say we might get some rain today. As I was watering the plants the nozzle broke where the hose connects to the device, and I got wet. Heck, I had a shower yesterday, did I need another shower today?

Stop right now, I know what you are thinking, I want no comment from you on that!

I have suggested to my first wife that we go to the Cracker store for breakfast, now all we need to do is to determine a time.

Yesterday, a tale by Don the Ford: we went to a wedding, then we went to a reception later in the afternoon.

Well, I guess that is it for now, I don’t have anything interesting to relate to you, and I will need to dry off from the unexpected shower, then get dressed for my Cracker breakfast.

What? Oh, I thought you were not interested in the wedding, since you were not invited. What’s it to you, I think you are just being nosey, wanting to know where my favorite wife and I went, and our activities yesterday. Heck it would take too long to relate our day yesterday’s adventure, and I am sure you would fall asleep reading it.

Why would anyone want to know that we drove about 35 miles one way, to get to the Church were the funeral, I mean wedding was held. That it was a nice Catholic church and that our GPS took us there without any problems. You do not need to know that I also got on line and went into maps to see where the Church was located, and how to get there.

It was an interesting wedding, mostly due to me never being at a wedding in a Catholic church. The wedding ended and we started the long drive home, hoping that we could remember the way back from Belton TX.

Arriving at home after that long 35-mile drive, I had a sandwich for lunch, and then I took a well-deserved nap. Once I was awakened, we watch some reruns on TV, and then I decided to do something more interesting, I read the bible for a while.

Finally, it became time to go to the wedding reception, so we mounted the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed out. Would you believe it took 1.5 hours driving to get to the reception? I wouldn’t either, it only took 10 minutes.

We entered the building and found some friends who allowed us to sit with them. Did I state that this was a Hispanic couple getting married? There were free drinks, yes even adult beverages, but they were very small in size. They served a meal, well they provided a meal, we had to go through the line to get the meal. The food was good the drinks were ok and the conversations were lively.

They had a DJ playing recorded music and making announcements, the music was too loud for my ole person ears. There was a Mariachi band who came in later and they were excellent. This group got everyone’s attention, and their music was really good. There were many requests for various Hispanic songs.

The newlyweds had their dance, and there were toasts to the couple. After a couple hours my favorite wife and I headed out, hoping we could find our way back home. As I stated earlier, nothing to talk about, nothing you would be interested in.

$$$$ Weddings $$$$!

Senior person who needs to get dressed, Don the Ford

Saturday, August 20, 2022

August 20, 2022

            Well, it is Saturday, and nothing new here at the homestead. Tres took me for a walk this morning after getting the newspaper for my favorite wife. During our walk, we observed two black cats and one orange cat laying on the street, they were just taking it easy. Two of the cats packed up and left, but the one small black cat just lay there as we walked by. Now I should note that the cat was on the other side of the street. This isn’t the first time this has happened. 

            We made it to the end of the street, were we turned and headed back up the street, on the same side as the black cat. This time the cat decided to get out of the street and climbed a tree as we walked by.

            Let’s talk about water: we have had ½ + ¼ = ¾ inch of rain in a couple days. The weather prognosticator said we have an excellent chance for more rain in the coming week. As we sat outside yesterday afternoon, we observed this cloud and we could hear thunder, but we did not get any rain.

            Getting married: My wife and I will attempt to go to a wedding today. the only problem is, we don’t know exactly where the church is. We do have the address and it is located in Belton TX, so I hope the GPS in the Ford’s ole Chevy is still working. Later in the afternoon there will be a party and I am told there will be food.

            Darn it, that means I will need to take a shower and clean up today. Now that I am thinking about it, when I was a kid, we always had to take a bath on Saturday night. The weekly bath on Saturday night was due in part to going to church the next day. During the week, if we weren’t too dirty, we just had to wash with a washcloth.

            Food: I did go to the rose café and get a couple breakfast tacos this morning. My gift card to that café has run out so I will not be going back for more.

            Planet in the photo: a friend informed me that the planet I see each morning is Venus!

            Well, there are a couple hanging flower baskets I need to water and check the bird baths for water, so I guess that is it for now.

Wedding and party!

Senior person who don’t know how to party, but knows how to eat, Don the Ford

Friday, August 19, 2022

August 19, 2022

            Before we get into all the serious information that could be in this posting, allow me to comment on the name, “Donnie”. This is a true story, and we know you always appreciate true stories, so here we go.

Back in the olden days I was known as Donnie. The name Donnie started with my family calling me Donnie and it spread to my friends through grade school. Now I can see you wondering, why did the Donnie bring this up as a topic for you, and the vast reading publics review. Well, a little over 50 years ago, I learned that the female person who I was dating, (aka my now favorite wife) was also being referred to by her family as Donnie. There would be times when we were together and someone would say something to Donnie, then we would both respond.

What? You did not think that was interesting. That is ok, you are allowed to think what you want to think, just reframe from sharing it with others.

            Topic, Dr Visit: yesterday I did go to the doctor. I checked in and found a seat in the waiting room. It did not take long when they called me back to the “visitation area”. I did not have a better name for the procedure area, so I called it a visitation area. One of the first things they ask is your birthdate. I explained that I was over a quarter of a century old. I then noted that I can’t remember what I had for supper last night, do you think I can remember something that happened to me more then 75 years ago. She looked at me as if she was wondering is he confused, or did he not understand my question.

We continued walking toward the exam room and she then said, “I need to know the day, month and year you were born”. I looked at her and I replied, “I am not sure, but I think it was a Friday,” I then continued saying, “I think mom was not happy that she had to be in the hospital over the weekend.” The nurse looked at me with half a smile, I think she was wondering if this senior person is nuts or is he kidding with me. I continued with my comment as we were entering the exam room, “If memory serves me, I believe it was kind of hot the day I was born, so it was probably either July or August.”

We had entered the exam room and the lady did not close the door. She looked at me and said, “I need you to tell me your date of birth and your address”. I could tell by the expression on her face and the sound of her voice, that she had enough of my foolishness. I then told her the date and my address.

I asked, “I had you going, didn’t I?” she said, “Just for a couple seconds, I knew you were kidding about it being hot on the day you were born.” I then said, “Would you believe I did some research on the day I was born, and it was a hot day?” She looked at me and did not respond.

In truth, I did not research the weather on the day I was born, and all most all of the above is made up, you know, some BS from the Don!      

            I have a couple photos from Tres and my walk this morning.

            In the first photo if one looks closely, they might see what appears to be a star, I believe it is a planet, but I am not sure. The second is just an interesting cloud.

            That’s it for today, hope you have a good day.

Donnie or Donnie!

Senior ole person who is still, “Silly Grandpa”, creator of stories, Don the Ford 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 18, 2022

            Well, it is here, the first day of school at Mid-Way Campus. I will attempt to pick the kids up this afternoon, the traffic will be crazy. Speaking of crazy traffic, the first week of school in Hewitt, the traffic is as bad or worse than traffic in a major city. It seems as if every parent wants to take their kids to school the first few days.

            Topic change: I did not get a burrito today!

            Another subject: I go to the skin doctor today. 😐

            Different information: Tres and I walked early this morning, I did not take a flash light, but it was dark enough that I could have used the flash light. This walk was nice, the temp was a cool 70. 😊

Did it? We did get some rain last night, heck I even heard some thunder early this morning. My favorite wife said to me last night, as I was lying in bed, "You can go and try your windshield wipers if you want to, it is raining!" I did not jump out of bed and go try the wipers, but when I get the kids this afternoon it may be raining, and if so, I will try the wipers then.

I did check the rain gages this morning, and we have a little over half an inch. Today is Thursday, this is the day we are not allowed to water at all, but it is going to rain some more this afternoon.        NICE!

Swap issue: today is cool, and it is cloudy, it would be a good day to be outside on my knees pulling weeds and praying, but I have to go to the doctor. I never get a break, or did I?

Well, I don't need a cup of coffee, I have one here on the Ford's ole desk, I don't have anything else to present to you, or the others in the reading public, so we hope you have a good day, and we hope someone will be nice to you! 😊

Rain, rain, come and stay, little Donnie don't need to play!

Senior retired person who is thankful it rained, Donnie the Ford

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 17, 2022

            “Another day another burrito”! What? You thought I was going to say, “Another day another dollar”? Why would I say that? I am a retired senior person, who is on a fixed income, I don’t have another dollar. And before you ask how I was able to purchase a burrito, I got a gift card for my birthday, to the Rose café and I used it.

            What? How do you know I have a chigger? The only person I have talked about the chigger is my favorite wife, and she is supposed to keep that a secret.

            Ok, I will inform you of how I received this chigger, and the fact that its located on my posterior. Yesterday, before I went out to the back 40 to work, I sprayed bug spray on my legs, you know the kind of bug spray that is supposed to keep mosquitoes away from you when you are outside. I assumed that the chiggers would not get on my legs and then crawl up to the better part of my body.

Obviously, I was on my knees yesterday morning, not only praying for rain, but also pulling weeds out of the #2 berry bed. I was wrong, the spray did not keep them away, I got a couple chiggers! Maybe I should have prayed for no chiggers, we might have gotten rain!

School starts tomorrow, I don’t need to take the kids to school, I will pick them both up. David usually gets one of the grandees and I get the other, but they have a new order filling system where he works, and the assumption is, there may be some overtime. New systems usually take some extra time at the start up. 

I did drive over to the high school this morning, there has been road work going on for over a year around the high school. They have a new traffic light at the ole 4-way stop intersection, but it isn’t working yet. 

I get to go to the skin doctor tomorrow, he will check my sun damaged body. Heck, when I was a young person, I would work for farmers hauling bailed hay. We would be out in the sun with no protection on our arms, neck and face. There were to many sun-burns and now I get to see if the doctor can make me better.

Prior to Tres and my walk this morning, we were out front getting the newspaper, where I observed Molly, the Ford’s only cat, on a red bench with two fake cats. Was she looking for a friend? The photo to follow is not real clear.

Chiggers itch!

Senior retired person who could use another cup of coffee, Don the Ford