
Monday, March 21, 2022

What can I say 03.21.2022

            Sunday was another day of good food and much resting. My favorite wife made pork roast with potatoes, carets, lima beans, and gravy to put on the potatoes and roast. It was, and is good. Yep, there are left overs for today!

            After a wonder filled lunch, and I was also filled with food, so I tried to take a nap, but the nap failed to come. I then decided I could go outside and find something to do. I went to the ole hot house and began removing flowers one pot at a time. I would take the flower and remove and dead leaves and I did prune some growth. Then if it was a hanging flower, I would hang it somewhere, if it was not in a hanging pot it was placed near the side of the hot house. I did place all the flowers so they could get some direct sun lite (vitamin D), hoping that the frosts are done!

            Then I decided to continue my rest period in the back 40 by getting the riding mower out and decapitating the winter grass (aka weeds) while mulching the leaves and dead grass.

Don't you know it, when you decided to do one thing you must do several other things in preparation for the one thing. I picked up sticks, then I had to roll up the 100-foot-long hose, then I had to disconnect the electrical cord that went from the back porch to the hot house, and roll it up. I also went through the back 40 picking up dog poop, all in preparation to mow.

            The actual mowing and mulching went well, I did go over some areas several times wanting to make the mulch as small as possible.

            Completing that rest period, I decided to get the ole walk behind mower out and decapitate the dead grass in the front yard. I lowered the mower two notches in an effort to get rid of more of the dead grass. In the olden days back in Missouri people would burn the dead grass off the yards and in a week or so the yard would be green, can't do that anymore.

            I was able to get the front yard successfully decapitated, I ended up with two large bags of mulch. My favorite wife noted; both yards look much better now. 😊 Wow, a complement for an ole senior retired person who was enjoying his restful day.

            My first wife was working on potting a couple flowers, one for herself and one for a friend.    My favorite wife and I sat outside for about an hour yesterday afternoon, with a cold drink in hand.

            I had decided to water the flowers and berries today (Monday) but I guess I will forget that, now that it is raining. We may have severe weather later today and tonight. I have been instructed to put some of the flowers back into the hot house in case of hail.

            I hope your day of rest was as good as ours.

Too much rest, get to work!

Senior retired person who needs to get ready to take the kids to school, Don the Ford

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