
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Earthquake at Fords 03.10.2022

            To the best of my memory, this is the first time we have had, “an earthquake”, here at the Ford’s homestead. I do remember when I was a teenager living at home in Missouri, I was talking on the phone, it was a wall phone in the kitchen, and the dishes in the cabinet began to shake, and rattle. I dropped the phone and ran like a scared cat out of the house. The quake only lasted a few seconds, and it was over.

            There is a fault line that kind of follows the river a little south of Cape Girardeau, I think it is, the New Madrid fault line! One of the worst earthquakes in the United States happened there.

            Changing the topic; I did go feed the animals this morning, and we are running low on crickets. Yep, the lizards like crickets, we are not out, just running low. As I drove to the feeding this morning there was a nice sun rise, and I wanted a photo. The photo is not as nice as the actual sun rise, and yes, taking a photo from the vehicle, even though I was at a stop light, is distracted driving.

             For the one person among you who is observant, yes there is a government spy camera in the photo. Yes, the light was green when I took the photo. Big deal, get off my case!

            What? Why is that any of your business? I shouldn’t answer that question, but I will, “yes, I went to the new restaurant and got a couple burritos this morning at the drive through, are you happy now? Ha ha, you didn’t get one!

            A different topic: My favorite wife has been decorating the Homestead for the coming Easter, and I took a photo of one area of decoration.

            Before that one person asks, the truck in the photo is old because, we are retired and on a fixed income, and we can’t afford those new trucks. I will attempt to get another Easter related photo for the next posting.

            Topic change: yes, we went to the grand opening at the new store in Hewitt yesterday, we bought a couple items, and they gave us a $20.00 gift card. Not bad, we got to shop and got a gift card. The new employees at the checkout were a little bit slow but that was ok.

            Topic change: it is supposed to be warm this afternoon, I will need to water out back and I plan to run the lawn sprinklers today also. 

            What? You want to know more about the earthquake? Well let’s see, possibly I can tell this story better with a photo. This is the first time I have taken a photo of the earthquake!

            If one will look closely, you will be able to see the name of the unit is, “Earthquake”. This is the first photo taken of the earthquake. It is a very small tiller. I got it in hopes of not over working My ole body when I start on the new flower bed in the front yard. I might rent it out to a trusted friend, after I am done using it.

            I don’t need a cup of coffee, I got one at the drive through when I got the burritos this morning.

Suns up, get to work!

Senior retired person who might work later today, Don the Ford

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