
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Nothing at all 03.20.2022

            And that is the truth, we did nothing at all yesterday. You know, everyone needs a day of relaxing and reflecting, and that is what we did.

            Saturday should be a day of unwinding, but is often more of a day of catching up. All week long you were on the normal schedule, do this, eat that, go here, watch that, wish you had this, when you only had that!

            Here at the Ford Homestead, we decided to enjoy the day and unwind from all the pressures of the world.

            We proceeded to get into the Ford’s ole Chevy and drove to the pharmacy to pick up my eye drops.

            We then proceeded to the nursery, yes it was a nursery for vegetation, were we looked at flowers and also bought some fertilizer for the Jasmine.

            We then proceeded to the Bunkhouse in Clifton for a relaxing lunch. I was very disappointed as they had no tooth picks. Now I know most of you are wondering why having no tooth picks would upset the Don, so I will attempt to enlighten. The tooth picks are not the type that you scrape your teeth with, they are eatable pieces of peppers and onions that are dipped in some coating and deep fried. One eats them with ranch dressing. The other food was good!

            We then took the long way home, enjoying the scenery and some ole radio comedy shows.

            We did use an eighth of a tank of gas during this excursion.

            Back at home I took a nap, resting from the grueling drive of almost 75 miles.

            Waking from the nap, I jumped out of the ole recliner, put my ole pants on, yes I had new pants on and I needed to change them, as I knew I was going to be on my knees outside in the yard.

            I removed some weeds and other debris from the raised flower bed.

            While working on the raised flower bed I noticed that the bird bath was not level. I removed the bird bath which is concrete, then I removed the cement block it sits on, I removed some dirt from where the block sits, I replaced the block, I then replaced the cement bird bath.

            Having emptied the water from the bath I then activated the hose and filled the bird bath. Noting that the raised bed needed watering, I applied water to the soil.

            My spouse was in the front yard on her hands and knees cutting some dead ferns down to the ground. Knowing that she was doing that, encouraged me to do the same in the back 40.

            I cut back the dead growth from two ferns, leaving the green that was near the bottom. I removed all the debris from around these ferns, and around the raised flower bed, depositing it into the trash container.

            I then proceeded to pick up the debris around the areas where my first wife was working.

            The neighbors came over on their electric bikes, never dismounting, and there was some discussion prior to them heading out for a ride.

            I then took the fertilizer that we had purchased earlier and spread it on the Jasmine.

            I activated the sprinklers on system 1 and 4. This provided water to the Jasmine.

            I then activated the sprinkler system to run a normal cycle which would water the entire yard and the Jasmine was watered twice.

            When the sprinkler system completed its watering, my favorite spouse was then allowed to take a shower.

            At 5:00 my first wife and I went out to the Ford’s ole driveway and seated our ole bodies. We discussed how relaxing the day has been. As we sat there one of the ladies who live on the corner began mowing their yard. They have no green grass so I assume that she was trying to remove some of the dead grass from last year.

            We sat there watching her work, talking about many things, we even discussed neighbors, and we got into some discussion about the bible.

            A day of relaxing and reflecting with my favorite wife! What could be better?


Relax and reflect all day!

Senior retired person who knows how to relax, Don the Ford

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